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Music:Thank God and Greyhound You’re Gone
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 17 –
If President Obama’s poll numbers go up significantly, during, or after, this bus tour. I will be forced to eat crow.
My introduction:
Last Friday, President Obama made his weekly address in an auto plant in Detroit, but his address was published on the Whitehouse web site. The exact words of President Obama are in the linked web site. read the transcript-right frame
But that’s also why it was so disappointing to see Senate Republicans obstruct the American Jobs Act, even though a majority of Senators voted “yes” to advance this jobs bill.
Obama’s goal: Bash Republicans
President Obama tipped his hand even before the coming bus tour. it was so disappointing to see Senate Republicans obstruct
It was disappointing that President Obama didn’t tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It was disappointing that President Obama chose to “bear false witness”. The evidence is irrefutable.
President Obama twisted the actual event, where two Democrats voted against the “jobs bill”, to an event where Republicans only obstructed. He misrepresented the truth. He bore false witness.
My point is: I predict and I will report on Republican bashing in the upcoming bus trip. President Obama set the stage for his credibly in his weekly address last Friday. I would expect nothing less than repeat performances.
If President Obama’s poll numbers go up, I will eat crow. [1] If not, I will say that the bus tour was a failed attempt to repeat the same thing to get a different result. The outlook for that happening is not good in light of President Obama’s tendency to “bear false witness”.
Newsvine Column with comments
[1]President Obama’s poll numbers were below 40 percent approval on his last bus tour.