
Rechargeable Batteries Blogspot

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Batteries and charger

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 24 –

I learned something today. I wanted to buy some rechargeable batteries. I found out that some sell for $2.33 each, and some run as high as $4. I bought mine from Amazon and they were $2.33 each. I think I saw some at Best Buy for $4. I was surprised to see where the high prices were.

Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac batteries can be recharged hundreds of times, but Sanyo batteries, which I bought, can be recharged a thousand times according to Sanyo.

I bought them from Amazon on the Internet, no taxes, and the shipping was free.

Then I found out that Home Depot and Radio Shack provide a means of disposing spent rechargeable batteries. A package can be picked up at their locations, and the spent batteries can be sent for recycling at no cost to the sender.

Finally, I found out that it is OK to dispose of ordinary AA, AAA, et cetera, batteries in the garbage.


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Other Rechargeables

Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds.A $25 order will get free shipping.


Sunday: The Day of Our Lord

If there is one part of this prayer that I would emphasize, it would be: Deliver us from evil.
The Lord’s prayer is in the bible. It has been around a long time, and it is translated into many languages. It is a common bond between thousands of religions.
Are You Ashamed?  Matthew 10:32-33 which says, "Everyone therefore who shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven."
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments have been around longer than the United States. They are depicted in stone and wood, inside and outside the Supreme Court of The United States, and the Ten Commandments are represented in the Library of Congress.
Moses is depicted as one of the sources of the law of Western Civilization inside and outside the United States Supreme Court.
Tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 
To claim that poisoned water, dirty air, et cetera is desired, is not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is also bearing false witness.

Newsvine Column with comments
Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds. A $25 order will get free shipping.


More of My World

I’m Stayin’ Alive!


I Just Want to Dance The Night Away


The grand ole opry had a lot of famous people on. Martina McBride, Kellie Pickler, and Ronnie Milsap.


The Soviet Union-The Evil Empire | President Obama-The Evil President

Marxist Insurgency

Video: Obama Marxist Quotes Stop video to read, then start, and so on.

Sounding tired, Obama wraps it up

Rasmussen tracking poll history. President Obama’s approval rating did not get a significant bump during the October 17-19 bus tour. The first bus tour didn’t raise President Obama’s approval ratings. So, a second bus tour was made. As near as I can tell there is still no raise in approval ratings. The long term trend is steadily down. If the trend continues, President Obama will have an approval rating lower than he has now, six months from now, and still lower yet a year from now. I think he could have done better. I think it was his choice to repeat mistakes and expect a different result.

To the peril of the nation, the Obamas are declaring that “who the Republicans are” is something mean and pernicious.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66087_Page2.html#ixzz1bHLllvJw

By painting his opposition as not just wrong but evil, Obama risks dividing the nation in a profound and unnecessary way.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66087.html#ixzz1bDT2stLY

Who is in fact the evil one?

chouchou, my mentor, provided the following link:


Here is some wisdom gleaned from his article:

the existence of rich and poor is not a problem that demands governmental action

"Occupy Wall Street — a mixture of the bored, the nihilistic, the seekers of excitement, left-wing true believers, confused idealists, and those hoping to engage in violence — railing against the rich capitalists on Wall Street, I get worried. Because the hatred they express toward the rich, is similar to that expressed against the rich by Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.

But class hatred must lead to bad things. That is why President Obama is playing with fire with his attacks on the rich.

If President Obama was the president of Greece, at the present time: Being eloquent, does not prove that you can run a country.


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Derogatory evaluation of Newsvine members is a bad idea.

Private discussions for group members is here.

Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac recharge hundreds.


Probably Insane Bus Tour III

Rasmussen october 18 2011

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 19 –

I don’t see any bump on the Rasmussen Poll on Tuesday October 18, 2011.

I'm elated. This article gave me strength: Virginia Democrats Fleeing Obama written October 18, 2011 3:23 PM, it contains much more than the Democrats fleeing; the bus trip is over, finished, kaput! The Rasmussen poll for today: No bump! It is increasingly clear that the bus trip was an insignificant exercise in repeating a previous failed attempt; expecting a different result.

I noted that President Obama spoke in high schools, and in one case a fire station. These are not exactly huge venues.

Axelrod; I would consider firing you, if I was President Obama. I notice that Axelrod has started talking about Romney. It could be because he doesn’t like the Obama thing. Besides, we don’t really know for sure, who all the Republican candidates are, yet.

I’ll be watching the polls for the next few days, and I’ll report my findings.

By painting his opposition as not just wrong but evil, Obama risks dividing the nation in a profound and unnecessary way.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66087.html#ixzz1bDT2stLY

Reagan said that the Soviet Union was an evil empire. I say that President Obama is an evil president. That doesn’t mean that he will not succeed; he already has. We got stuck with Obamacare; that was a huge success of President Obama. What does Obamacare have to do with President Obama being evil? There’s a provision for a civilian “force” in Obamacare. I have posted the video of Lt General Boykin many times, but someone else might see it this time. In this video entitled "Marxism in America" General Jerry Boykin discusses his background and training in understanding Marxist insurgencies, and how current government actions parallel Marxist tactics.  After it has been viewed, there is the evidence of the evil empire, and the evil president.

Newsvine Column with comments

Derogatory evaluation of Newsvine members is a bad idea.

Private discussions for group members is here.


The Probably Insane Bus Tour II

bus tour 2 october 2011

"And then you got their plan, which is let's have dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance. All right so, so far at least, I feel better about my plan."
Read more: http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2011/10/17/obama-gets-political-jobs-bill-north-carolina#ixzz1b5WVqtcn

You Don't Mess Around With Jim   You Don't Mess Around With Jim-Lyrics

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 18 –

President Obama has an inferior web site, the image above is a screen shot of it. There are other pictures here. There’s a place on the web site for feedback. I just may use it. Do you like the header of the “White House” blog? Header.

President Obama would have you believe that the public loves the “jobs act”, Republicans want dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance, and he feels better about his plan. If it’s so great, why was it rejected by the Senate? I say, the statement about Republicans does not tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Further, I would say it is a violation of the golden rule.

Then there’s this. The “jobs act” is portrayed with a bunch of flowers, with a US flag superimposed on the flowers. I could imagine how some Liberals would find beauty in the image, but I’d guess that there are two Democrats in the Senate, who aren’t particularly fond of it.

In the October 17, 2011 archives, in the blog there about President Obama’s speech at West Wilkes High School there are sketchy quotes from the speech.

Some of these folks are just not getting the message, so I’ve got to make sure your voices are heard. I need you to give Congress a piece of your mind. Tell these members of Congress that they don’t work for special interest, they don’t work for lobbyists -- they work for you. And if they’re not delivering, you need to let them know. And I don’t know whether you’re going to get on the phone, or you’re going to tweet them or write them a letter, or pay them a visit, but tell them to do the right thing. Tell them what’s at stake here.

Interpretation: I’m using government revenue, and money from China, to try to snooker you into voting for me. I will bear false witness against Republicans to try to accomplish my goal, if I can deceive you.

President Obama’s approval ratings on Real Clear Politics: 43.7 approval on 10/17/2011.

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The Probably Insane Bus Tour

Bus Wright 3

Click to Enlarge

Music:Thank God and Greyhound You’re Gone

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 17 –

If President Obama’s poll numbers go up significantly, during, or after, this bus tour. I will be forced to eat crow.

My introduction:

Last Friday, President Obama made his weekly address in an auto plant in Detroit, but his address was published on the Whitehouse web site. The exact words of President Obama are in the linked web site.

WhiteHouse.gov-Click read the transcript-right frame

But that’s also why it was so disappointing to see Senate Republicans obstruct the American Jobs Act, even though a majority of Senators voted “yes” to advance this jobs bill.

Obama’s goal: Bash Republicans

President Obama tipped his hand even before the coming bus tour. it was so disappointing to see Senate Republicans obstruct  

It was disappointing that President Obama didn’t tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It was disappointing that President Obama chose to “bear false witness”. The evidence is irrefutable.

President Obama twisted the actual event, where two Democrats voted against the “jobs bill”, to an event where Republicans only obstructed. He misrepresented the truth. He bore false witness.

My point is: I predict and I will report on Republican bashing in the upcoming bus trip. President Obama set the stage for his credibly in his weekly address last Friday. I would expect nothing less than repeat performances.

If President Obama’s poll numbers go up, I will eat crow. [1] If not, I will say that the bus tour was a failed attempt to repeat the same thing to get a different result. The outlook for that happening is not good in light of President Obama’s tendency to “bear false witness”.

Newsvine Column with comments

[1]President Obama’s poll numbers were below 40 percent approval on his last bus tour.