
The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost

Obama chicken roost
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 18 –
The former NRLB appointee of President Obama is likely to have his butt in a sling.
President Obama may have to allow the pipeline, even though he isn't interested in creating jobs. He's only interested in "green" failures, like Solyndra, which only represent one third of the potential electricity market. A Harvard graduate is too dim to figure that out. We need gas, coal, nuclear, et cetera, power production, but President Obama can't figure that out.


Gene Tew Was Right | Obama Image

gene tew
Attribution: Gene Tew
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 15 –
I received derogatory comments, when I first published this image by Gene Tew. President Obama’s request for detention of citizens without a trial gives the image validity.

    Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) on Senate floor explaining it was Obama who requested the provision for indefinite military detention of American citizens without charge or trial.
Why Obama Will Not Veto NDAA Military Detention of Americans: He Requested It.
President Obama signed the bill on Friday.
What are the possible acts of President Obama in the future? He has demonstrated that he espouses tyranny instead of freedom.
I read a little about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and his book: The Gulag Archipelago. 
The Soviet Union had widespread labor camps. Atrocities occurred in those camps.
Communism is portrayed as a Utopia. The labor camps are a fixture of Communism, China has them, North Korea has them. Body parts are acquired from inmates of labor camps in China. These are some of the realities of Utopia.
Is President Obama capable of trying to implement Communism in the United States? Think about it; long and hard.
If you like Communism, reconsider.


A Message to the American People


Anonymous-Message to the American People

The message is getting out. Senator Udall and Diane Feinstein have proposed corrective legislation. The perpetrators of this bill should be punished; regardless of any corrective measures.

This is a Sad Day in the History of the United States

White House Approves Of Bill Allowing The Military To Imprison Americans Without Trial
Read more:


Government Airlines?

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Artwork by Scott Seibert
Little Fawn wolfman_thumb
Artwork by WoundedKnee
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 15 –
I searched for keywords: Obama American Airlines…but there wasn’t much information available. So, I concluded that President Obama is not seizing on this bankruptcy as an opportunity. I did see something about a bailout, which alarmed me.
President Obama is not following the AIG, GM, and Chrysler template, which intrigues me. Why do you think that is?

Here we have a union situation available to be exploited. Wouldn’t the American Airlines bankruptcy be an opportunity to get union voter’s votes nationwide? Isn’t this the way President Obama normally operates?
The usual President Obama and company method of operation would be to bail the company out. Wipe out investors in American Airlines. Badmouth the company executives. Put people in charge of the airline, who are Democrat campaign operatives, and have never run a business in their life. Funnel bailout money to President Obama’s 2012 campaign coffers. See if ACORN has some affiliates, who can assist in ridiculing the enemies of President Obama. Van Jones and OWS could get involved, and make it a class warfare thing: Unions versus Capitalists. Finally, American Airlines could become Obama Airlines.
Wouldn’t that be priceless!
Our country could continue to decline, with airlines being taken over by the public sector. In addition to government sponsored enterprises, student loans, auto companies, et cetera, we could have government screwed up airlines. This would fit in well with the screwed up Transportation Security Agency. We could have a screwed up government airline, with screwed up TSA employees.
Soros would be ecstatic!
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This just in from Driftwood: A big week for labor?
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Another Reason omg Obama Must Go

Obama Justifies FEMA Imprisionment of civilians!!!
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 14 –
The unbelievable is taking place before our very eyes. This is not a partisan report; it is a report from MSNBC. MSNBC, the home of Chris Matthews, and formerly Keith Olberman. This is not from Fox News.
This is not from Rush Limbaugh.
President Obama justifies FEMA imprisonment of civilians!
vol seeded this video early this AM, but there aren’t many comments on her seed. I just became aware of it fifteen minutes ago. Maybe the word will get out as an article, better than it did as a seed. I’m hoping that there are many articles about this speech by President Obama.
I’m wondering what judicial watch, oath keepers, et cetera, are thinking about this. I may try to find out directly, meaning emailing and phone calls.
I just turned on Rush Limbaugh, and he is talking about President Obama’s Fort Bragg speech. I searched Fox News for related news…a link to this MSNBC video came up. I looked at the Drudge Report, and I didn’t see anything there.
In spite of the risk of being overlooked, I’m going to post the article.
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My Time at Walmart: Why We Need Serious Welfare Reform – The College Conservative


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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 14 –
There is a cozy relationship between the government and so called welfare recipients.
This patriotic young lady has reported the inside information.
If the United States government had any regard for decency, honesty, and law and order, it would not sanction what is happening in this country. If the government would take care of the little stuff, maybe the big stuff would be corrected too. It’s no wonder our country is going down the tubes.
I’m going to send her an email to congratulate her, and encourage her. I will also tell her about what little publicity I have been able to provide.
I recall that Washington state had a huge increase in food stamp distribution. My impression was: The government wore the news as a badge of honor, and was pleased. My friends this is not the way things are supposed to be.
Cloward and Piven are famous for their idea that the government can be caused to implode from the weight of excessive demands for welfare, et cetera.
The bottom line is: There are too many thieves in this country. President Obama is one of them. Thievery will help destroy the United States.