
Real Business Man | The Fake Messiah


Tell me how many secrets Romney has. Then tell me how many secrets Obama has.

Then ask, “Why does Obama have so many secrets?”

There are some other differences between Obama and Romney. Obama talked about stopping the oceans from rising and healing the planet. That is a fable…Obama tells fables and Romney doesn’t.

Romney’s successes are a matter of record…open for the world to see. [1]

Romney has lived and associated with Capitalists. Obama chose his friends carefully…most of them are Socialists, Communist, Marxists. Ayers was a communist. Jeremiah Wright went to Cuba…twice. Valerie Jarrett and Van Jones are two more. There’s ACORN, Alinsky, and the SEIU. [2]

Obama isn’t talking about Occupy Wall Street… being the reason he ran for office… these days. He did say it though.

Romney grew up around capitalists. Obama grew up around Marxists. Obama’s mother didn’t like her second husband’s capitalistic activities. After she sent Obama to his grandparents…when he was ten, Obama’s mentor was Frank Davis…a Communist..until Obama was about seventeen. Obama continued his choice of Socialists, Communist, Marxists during his college years. He  worked with Socialists, Communists, and Marxists in Chicago at the Midwest Academy, ACORN, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and the Woods Foundation. Michelle was active in “Public Allies” which is an extension of the Midwest Academy.

It can be denied that Obama is a Socialist, but it cannot be denied that he isn’t… and wasn’t… the Messiah. Otherwise, why would the Gallup poll be 51% Romney…45% Obama among likely voters.


[1] Being Successful is Romney's Greatest Appeal August 30, 2012

[2] Mormon Discussions



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Biden | Continues to Make Mistakes




I wanted to post the video, but the best I could do is provide the link…sorry about that.

I’m telling you that Biden is one brick short of a full load. Ryan was right, “Sometimes words don’t come out of your mouth the right way”



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Socialist Radical in Chief | Not an Economist

Debate October 16, 2012

About 30 years ago I bought my first truck. 30 years later I was still trucking.

I earned money yearly and paid taxes on that money…earned income. I still have a portion of that earned income…but each and every year…I am taxed again on the yearly income earned 30 years ago…as income on investments. I have paid 15% approximately…each and every year…on the investment income…on investments…which came from my first year of earnings. So, the tax rate of 15% is not so low as President Obama claims. It is 15% per year…and in my example…15%…thirty times.

I don’t think President Obama is capable of grasping this simple concept. I do believe that Mitt Romney is well aware of it

I blame government for the loss of a portion of my investments. I blame ACORN, Jimmy Carter, and Obama for my losses. I blame risky mortgages.

I lost at least 30% of my investments…when the market crashed.

We had a $250,000 house, which is now worth about $175,000. 

President Obama’s economic ideas are uneducated…not based on experience…from a con artist.

Mitt Romney’s ideas are based on real life experience.


The videos have been slow to load. It takes a minute or more after you click the start button for the video to start.



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Radical in Chief | 2016: Obama’s America

Radical in Chief


I believe that the free enterprise system is the greatest engine of prosperity that the world has ever known…but…”You didn’t build that”

I thought for a minute that Obama was going to take Churchill's bust back into the oval office…when he made his closing statement. I don’t believe he would have exposed his Marxist tendencies, if Axelrod and others would have been able to control Obama’s words through a teleprompter. Obama was able to get his 47% statement into the debate, but his statement about “everybody should have a fair shot” and “everybody should do their fair share” is not what Axelrod and company would have recommended. Besides that, there is a lot of truth in Romney’s idea that the 47% have been bought…with free cellphones, food stamps, etc. Let’s not forget that Occupy Wall Streeters were the reason that Obama ran for office. Let’s face it…Obama cannot resist his Marxist ideas when he is not shackled by a teleprompter.

Electricity will skyrocket

Obama can’t bring himself to admit that his energy policies have harmed the US. Anyone can readily see that Obama has resisted drilling for oil…and Socialists have distain for oil companies.  Obama has caused the conversion of coal fired electricity generation plants…and hurt coal miners. Yet Obama, the con man, talks about his wonderful clean coal successes. Solyndra is the poster child for Green Energy failures. One of Obama’s touted battery plants just went bankrupt. The government gave them a $249 million grant. It is being purchased for $125 million. Romney would be an expert on these kinds of things…but Obama…the big government guy…is totally lost.

2016: Obama’s America

Dinesh D’Souza has an idea about what 4 more years under Obama will be like…it is not a pretty picture.

Dinesh D’Souza believes that Obama won’t cut spending, won’t stop Iran, will cut the military, and will try to increase taxes.

Obama will continue to spend without self discipline.

The Obama you see…is not the Obama you get

President Obama does not enforce laws of the United States.
President Obama is a despot. He attempts to bypass Congress. He declares laws unconstitutional.
President Obama does not protect and defend the Constitution.
President Obama is not open and above board. He is secretive.
We don’t know whether President secretly wants to collapse the United States economy.



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