
God Bless the USA

Stand Up and Defend Her
God Bless the USA-Lee Greenwood

There were those who had a purpose greater than themselves. There are also those whose purpose is themselves.


Spending has put the USA in Crisis Mode


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – May 27, 2011 –
Here’s another perspective on US Federal Government spending.
I was born in 1930. We did not have Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. We did have poor houses, and I believe they called it public assistance. Those in need could get a bag of edible food from the local government. Those who accepted public assistance were looked down upon.
There was no Federal Department of Education, Department of Energy, Small Business Administration, Securities & Exchange Commission, Peace Corps, Office of Personnel Management, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Drug Enforcement Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Aviation Administration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Election Commission, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities,  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,National Security Agency, Voice of America, and last but not least; The Social Security Administration.
So, I have lived through the time when public spending has skyrocketed and personal freedom has been diminished. 
Who is to blame for all this spending? It’s not Republicans and Democrats; it’s the voters who voted them in. It’s the “takers” who vote for politicians who say that they will give them something, and the country is on the edge of a cliff as a result. Politicians have convinced the majority of the voters that we need every dime of spending on everything mentioned above, and that anyone who tries to cut anything will be voted out. There was an election in New York recently. The winner supported spending. The voters supported spending in that particular case.
    “Obama found himself on the wrong side of public opinion with the policies he put in place after his election in 2008. The public wasn’t ready for the amount of spending he pushed through to deal with the recession.” Washington Post
The country as we know it may fold. The final result may be ugly.
I love this country; not as it is, but as it once was.


Wolfman Report: Lessons From Wisconsin


Wisconsin Legislators Leave State to Prevent Vote
One of the behaviors in this event has been for the Democrat legislators to leave the state.
There are a number of things that could be done about it. More legislation could take place. New rules could be made in the legislature. The Democrats could and should be voted out of office. I’m suggesting the last remedy.
We have a democratic republic. The behavior of leaving the state or country should not be tolerated. Suppose that the Democrats in the House would leave the country as the budget cuts are being debated by the Republicans in the House. I call this, practice of leaving, hijacking the democratic republic type of government. I’m not suggesting that individual legislators be voted out, I’m suggesting that the Democrat party be voted out, as they have been in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin assembly is majority Republican, the Wisconsin Senate is majority Republican, and the governor is a Republican. The Republicans should be allowed to stop the behavior of obstructing lawmaking by Democrats leaving the state. If enough Democrats are voted out, super majorities can prevail. This is where the Republicans are at a disadvantage in Wisconsin. If they only had one more Republican in the Senate, they would have the necessary numbers for a quorum.

The Next Election is Vital
In the case of Wisconsin, the Democrats have been voted out, but not enough of them have been voted out. If the percentage of Democrats can be lowered enough, their behavior will have consequences.
In the case of the Federal government, our goal should be a Republican president, and 2/3 thirds majorities in Congress. If Democrats continue disapproved  behavior, it will be possible.

WI Assembly GOP Passes Walker Budget In Surprise Vote -- Dems Chant "Shame!"


Food Prices-Carbon Emissions

Food prices screen shot
Scottsdale Arizona – February 2, 2011 –
Carbon Emission Control Equals Increased Prices
The food prices in the United States have already gone up.
Part of the reason for the rioting in Egypt is increased food prices.
There's a link to the screen shot under the screen shot. The results show
that Japan and Russia oppose "Kyoto Protocol".
The world is wising up to the program instituted by the United Nations and supported by Obama and Soros.
The United Nations, Soros, Al Gore, and many others profit at the expense of ordinary people. They are parasites on society. They suck up wealth while people riot.
Developed nations abandon Kyoto Protocol
    “Climate Change experts believe the main problem is the inability of the US Administration to make a meaningful commitment to cut its country’s emissions to an adequate extent because it is now clear that congress will not adopt a comprehensive climate bill.” “ Worse Russia and Japan have openly stated they do not want to continue with the Kyoto Protocol while Australia, New Zealand and Canada among others have also be reluctant to commit to Kyoto’s second period because the US is not in it and major developing countries do not have to join the binding disciplines. This leaves the European Union which says it prefers to shift to a new system too but is still open to remaining in Kyoto if others do. Only Norway has said firmly it agrees to the second Kyoto period.”
So, Obama is using the EPA to control emissions in Texas. The world is against Kyoto Protocol. Congress is against Kyoto Protocol. Obama is for carbon emission control at any cost. A big question is; why?
Obama has been connected to CCX for years. CCX is the Chicago Climate Exchange.


Obama: Leftist-Marxist

Founders Some rights reserved by wstera2

There are several articles recently posted, which say Obama is a Leftist or a Marxist, now. There are articles, which show Obama participating in a rally for a Marxist five years ago.
Time magazine has published an article, which concludes that Obama is a Leftist now.
Another article enhances the Time article. It says Obama is a Marxist.
Here’s an excerpt from American Thinker:
    "Update: Ed Lasky pints out that in 2008 Obama was photographed conspicuously holding Fareed Zakaria's "The Post-American World," and these days he is photographed holding a book about Reagan. How times (and political needs) change. Ed writes:
    He believed in American declinism-and encouraged it.
    But then his own job was at stake -so he tried to morph into the image of Reagan-the apostle of American exceptionalism (the shining city on a hill) and greatness.
    Will Americans buy the rebranded Obama?"
Obama has shown a long term commitment to Marxism. A long term trait is likely to remain. Obama is not above trying to deceive. Deception may improve Obama’s poll numbers, but it is still deception.


Promises, Promises; Phony




Some rights reserved by genetew



Obama has made a lot of promises. One of his promises was that he would go through bills line by line. The idea was that he would remove or veto earmarks. He didn’t deliver on that promise. Now he makes a similar promise in his State of the Union address. This time he said he would veto earmarks. People who do not keep their promises, are phony.

Harry Reid has said that Obama should back off his “veto earmarks” remark. We’ll be watching to see how many earmarks Obama vetoes.

Income redistribution

Obama has not rejected income redistribution. He reaffirmed his goal of taxing the rich. He agreed to the compromise of not taxing the rich. Now he wants to renege on his promise.

Obama showed his true colors in Kenya, when he supported Odinga. He supported an unsavory politician, and we have pictures of him doing it.


From Obama's speech:

    “Half a century ago, when the Soviets beat us into space with the launch of a satellite called Sputnik, we had no idea how we would beat them to the moon. The science wasn't even there yet. NASA didn't exist. But after investing in better research and education, we didn't just surpass the Soviets; we unleashed a wave of innovation that created new industries and millions of new jobs.”

So, what has Obama done to NASA?


From Obama’s speech:

    “So over the last two years, we've begun rebuilding for the 21st century, a project that has meant thousands of good jobs for the hard-hit construction industry. And tonight, I'm proposing that we redouble those efforts.”

Obama supported ACORN  for over a decade. ACORN supported risky mortgages. The housing industry was destroyed. Obama was involved in it’s destruction.


From the speech:

    "We may have differences in policy, but we all believe in the rights enshrined in our Constitution."

These are only words. Watch how Obama acts. Did Obama take a swipe at the Supreme Court in the last address to Congress?


I have covered only a few things here. Obama's words do not match his actions.


Together We Thrive; "Fairly we share, together we prosper"


AttributionSome rights reserved by DEMOSH

Obama is close to Odinga

"Together We Thrive" echoes Kenyan Odinga's slogan: "Fairly we share, together we prosper"

Together We Thrive; Obama.

Fairly we share, together we prosper; Odinga.

Who’s “together”? Early on Obama hitched his wagon to ACORN. Their combined efforts succeeded in getting risky mortgages for the “poor”. There was irrational exuberance among ACORN and Obama supporters. But, then came the “crash”.  Foreclosures came, and continue to this day. Are the “togetherers” still irrationally exuberant?

Obama supporters talked of “free rent” and “free gas” from Obama’s stash. That was only talk, it didn’t and hasn’t  happened. Do you remember Henrietta Hughes? She wanted freebies, but she was exposed. Do you remember the Detroit fiasco? People were in line to apply for $3000 of freebies. A few got freebies, but more of them didn’t. 3500 out of 65,000 got freebies. These people were all “together”. What has happened to their “togetherness”? Did they “thrive”, are they “ thriving” now? What happened to the irrational exuberance?

Does “together” include Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, SEIU, Odinga, Van Jones, Louis Farrakhan, George Soros and all his “groups”, Jeff Immelt, moveon.org, media matters, the daily Kos, New York Times, and the Washington Post? Were the students in Tucson exuberant? Why? Were they exuberant about people being shot, or were they exuberant about getting a “free T shirt”? Were they whipped into exuberance by a cunning orator and his conniving minions?

Does “together” exclude Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and Lincoln" or include just Odinga types?

I respectfully submit that the “togetherers” have not thrived under the Obama administration, and they will not thrive if Obama is reelected. 

Who is we? Is it Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, SEIU, Odinga, Van Jones, Louis Farrakhan, George Soros and all his “groups”, Jeff Immelt, moveon.org, media matters, the daily Kos, New York Times, and the Washington Post? Is it the students at Tucson and young people elsewhere? Does it exclude Capitalists, Conservatives, and the “rich”?

Thriving has not happened. Prosperity has not happened. 

Hope and change has not brought prosperity.

Fairly we share; together we prosper, won’t either.

Together We Thrive; another slick slogan. Don’t be fooled; even if you get a free T shirt!

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