
Together We Thrive; "Fairly we share, together we prosper"


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Obama is close to Odinga

"Together We Thrive" echoes Kenyan Odinga's slogan: "Fairly we share, together we prosper"

Together We Thrive; Obama.

Fairly we share, together we prosper; Odinga.

Who’s “together”? Early on Obama hitched his wagon to ACORN. Their combined efforts succeeded in getting risky mortgages for the “poor”. There was irrational exuberance among ACORN and Obama supporters. But, then came the “crash”.  Foreclosures came, and continue to this day. Are the “togetherers” still irrationally exuberant?

Obama supporters talked of “free rent” and “free gas” from Obama’s stash. That was only talk, it didn’t and hasn’t  happened. Do you remember Henrietta Hughes? She wanted freebies, but she was exposed. Do you remember the Detroit fiasco? People were in line to apply for $3000 of freebies. A few got freebies, but more of them didn’t. 3500 out of 65,000 got freebies. These people were all “together”. What has happened to their “togetherness”? Did they “thrive”, are they “ thriving” now? What happened to the irrational exuberance?

Does “together” include Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, SEIU, Odinga, Van Jones, Louis Farrakhan, George Soros and all his “groups”, Jeff Immelt, moveon.org, media matters, the daily Kos, New York Times, and the Washington Post? Were the students in Tucson exuberant? Why? Were they exuberant about people being shot, or were they exuberant about getting a “free T shirt”? Were they whipped into exuberance by a cunning orator and his conniving minions?

Does “together” exclude Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and Lincoln" or include just Odinga types?

I respectfully submit that the “togetherers” have not thrived under the Obama administration, and they will not thrive if Obama is reelected. 

Who is we? Is it Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, SEIU, Odinga, Van Jones, Louis Farrakhan, George Soros and all his “groups”, Jeff Immelt, moveon.org, media matters, the daily Kos, New York Times, and the Washington Post? Is it the students at Tucson and young people elsewhere? Does it exclude Capitalists, Conservatives, and the “rich”?

Thriving has not happened. Prosperity has not happened. 

Hope and change has not brought prosperity.

Fairly we share; together we prosper, won’t either.

Together We Thrive; another slick slogan. Don’t be fooled; even if you get a free T shirt!

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