
Wolfman Report: Supreme Court Doubts Global Warming Cause

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 25 –
The United States Supreme Court has dealt a blow to global warming. It happened a few days ago. There’s a link below. It is the top link.
The plaintiffs wanted emission controls. They wanted to impose controls on American Electrical power. They lost big time; 8-0.
I read the whole decision, and it sounded like the EPA was on firm ground. If carbon dioxide is not the cause of global warming, the EPA’s efforts to control it comes into question.
President Obama’s skyrocketing electricity prices, food prices, and prices in general, also appear to be foolhardy. Failure to drill becomes a mistake, and use of coal, natural gas, and fossil fuels does not cause global warming.
Of course it could be argued that we don’t want to deplete resources. Then, that argument would stop us from depleting copper, iron, aluminum, et cetera.
June 25. 2011
Supreme Court Not So Hot on Global Warming 
Scientists Try to Have It Both Ways on Global-warming
GOP Governors Are Showing the Way

June 24, 2011
Obama’s failed state

June 23, 2011
Budget Talks Near Collapse as GOP Leader Quits
66% say US headed in 'wrong direction'...
Emerging GOP theme: Obama made it worse...
Obama to bring 33,000 soldiers home from Afghanistan in time for Election 2012...

June 21, 2011
The Week Ahead: Under pressure over debt and Libya
EU strives to contain Greek debt storm
Europe gives Greece ultimatum: austerity for loans
Greece given ultimatum as fears rise of euro plague
Court won't hear ACORN lawsuit over gov't funding
After surgery, Chavez faces troubles in Venezuela
June 20, 2011
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Simi Valley Map
White House defends legality of US military action in Libya
Yoo: GOP abandoning principles on war powers
Rep. Duncan explains why 10 congressmen sue Obama over Libya
2 Top Lawyers Lost to Obama in Libya War Policy Debate
Obama drives the golf cart, Boehner sinks the putt
Merkel urges 'substantial' bank aid for Greek debt
After the game
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Wolfman Report: Dress Yourself in Moral Garments

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 15, 2011 –
Pelosi has been in the US News recently. She didn’t throw Weiner under the bus [1] immediately. On June 10, she didn’t call for Weiner’s resignation. Pelosi called for the resignation of Weiner later,[2] which was ref

erred to in an article on June 15, 2011.
[1] June 10, 2011–
    Amid increasing calls for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says the decision should be up to the congressman and his New York constituents.
[2] June 15, 2011–
    Pelosi said she concluded that "with the love of his family, the confidence of his constituents and the need for help ... Congressman Weiner should resign from the Congress."
I’m reporting this to show; Pelosi does have “some” principles. She’s against “weiners”.
2000 page bills are OK, passing bills without votes; deeming them passed is OK, passing bills to find out what’s in them is OK, but she draws the line when it comes to “weiners”.
As Alinsky says, if you don’t have much to go on, go with what you have. Dress yourself in moral garments.



The Evil Empire

Evil empire

Ronald Reagan invented this term. He used it in a speech in 1983. The evil empire collapsed in 1989.
The website:
American Rhetoric
Top 100 Speeches
Why do I bring this up? Well, it illustrates the contrast between our current president and Ronald Reagan.
Reagan displayed a commitment  to Godliness and faith, not only by himself, but by the United States. Recently our current president announced that he was quitting Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church. Our current president spent 20 years listening to Reverend Wright, who embarrassingly said loudly “GD America”.
  “The white folks’ greed runs a world in need”
    Sounds ... controversial! Keep in mind: a) Obama isn't disapproving of this sermon. In the book he weeps at the end of it; b) Demonstrating that at least some blaming of "white greed" for the world's sins--which Obama now criticizes-- isn't an exceptional topic for Rev. Wright in a few wacky sermons ("the five dumbest things") that Obama may or may not have missed. It's at the quotidian core of the Afrocentric philosophy that Obama says drew him to the church; c) Indeed, in his big March 18th race speech Obama reads the passage from his book that describes his emotional reaction to this very sermon (his "first service at Trinity")--how it made "the story of a people" seem "black and more than black." d) This is also the sermon that gave Obama the title of his next book, The Audacity of Hope. e) The "profound mistake" of this sermon is not that Wright "spoke as if our society was static"--Obama's analysis on Feb. 18th. The problem is that "white folks' greed" is not the main cause of a "world in need." I'm not saying voters shouldn't cut Obama a lot of slack on Wright's anti-white fulminations. But the Senator should have spoken up publicly against the semi-paranoid "white greed" explanation a long time ago, no? And he could show a little humility. Again, this wasn't the occasion for him to be lecturing everyone else. ...
In Obama’s own book, “He weeps at the end of it”, I can’t imagine what Reagan would say, if he was alive.


Wolfman Report: Put Wealth Redistribution in Charge?

did I do that

I hear and see criticism of capitalism, conservatives, and Christians. They are not Utopia, but they served the United States well until January 20, 2009.
We’ve had a taste of wealth redistribution. Now, a decision will be made. Either the United States will go down the path that Greece and others went, or down the path that Australia and others are going.
At least many United States citizens realize that we are on the wrong path, now.
chouchou made the following remark:
“Austerity is inevitable.”
Greece is cutting back, and austerity is being imposed whether the citizens want it or not.
California is cutting back whether the citizens like it or not.
New Jersey and others are cutting back.
Many United States citizens think they will get what they want…forever.
When and if the United States currency collapses, United States citizens will experience inevitable austerity.
Entitlements such as Medicare, and Social Security will disappear. Voting for the wrong politicians will have nothing to do with it. Collapse of the currency will have a lot to do with it.
A look at the world over time:
The Weimar Republic printed money. The currency collapsed. The people cut back, they had no choice.
Zimbabwe’s currency collapsed. The people suffered. They had no choice.
Rome burned.


Mic Hudson’s Birthday

Mic Hudson

I've been looking at a power spinbrush which has a piece of plastic at the edge of the bristles. It looks like it would help remove plaque.

Mic Hudson aka Vulgivagus Poeta will be 54 years old July 13, 2011.
There are articles about Mic here, and here
He is currently a member of Newsvine. He’s on Facebook as Mic Hudson, and he’s on Youtube as Mic Hudson.
I called Mic, and he accidentally slipped through a ramp leading up to his trailer. He injured his leg.
I’d like to make a happy birthday for Mic possible.
If I can be of any assistance, please contact me on Newsvine.
Vulgivagus Poeta