
I Want To Be Your Home Schooler | President Obama

Radical in Chief

obama approval 30s
Obama Gene Tew
By Gene Tew
The Transformer
"We are five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America," Obama said. "If you'll stand with me and fight beside me and cast your vote for me, we will not only win Missouri, we will win this general election."
From YouTube:
You asked for it, and now you have it, the transformation of your once great Republic into a country where the State is the all powerful force that controls almost every aspect of your life from cradle to grave. In fact with their new healthcare plan they'll even hasten your entry into your grave by denying you care if they deem you not worthy of it because of your age and your lack of usefulness to the collective. For the youth of the country they are now stopping the private government backed college loans in favor of government only loans that do not need to be paid back if you "choose" to serve the government for ten years. So now instead of starting your career in the private sector where all the wealth is created, they want you to serve the government, the very government that is sucking the private sector dry of its wealth. I heard Obama talk about how he wanted to fundamentally (relating to or affecting the underlying principles or structure of something) transform (to change something completely) America during the campaign, but I never saved any video of it. Now that Glenn Beck has discovered this video we can look back and see that Obama is only doing what he promised to do, which is to fundamentally change America. How can you criticize a politician for doing what he said he would do if elected? But I would ask you what is so fundamentally wrong with America that we need to change its underlying principles, the very principles that made us the greatest country in the history of the world. Is this the change that American's voted for in 2008? Do we really want to fundamentally change our great nation? Are the founding principles now obsolete? Jbranstetter04
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. — Marcus Cicero, speaking to Caesar, Crassus, Pompey and the Roman Senate.
He said it more than once: http://www.columbiamissourian.com/stories/2008/10/30/obama-speaks-crowd-40000/

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Romney narrowly wins Iowa caucuses

Romney wins
By Charles Dharapak, AP
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The Iowa citizens want a man, who hasn't discussed the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act 2012, S.1867.
They want a businessman, who participated in taking Massachusetts health care out of private enterprise. He has demonstrated that he believes government does a better job than private enterprise. Also, government health care increases the size of government.
Romney received about 30,000 votes, and Santorum received about 30,000 votes. Link

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Today Obama signed NDAA S.1867 into law-not good

Obama signs ndaa 2012
Credit: Getty Images
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S.1867 could easily be misused under the same premise. Already there are calls for hiring foreign troops of other nations to make up for the void being felt in the US armed forces as we are presently in a peacetime voluntary recruitment policy that does not make enlistment mandatory as it was in Vietnam. There are plans to recruit soldiers from UN nations to serve in the United States Army. Now ask yourself whether or not foreign troops would have any compunction over marching against US citizens if they were ordered to? They answer would be just as it was in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968. This is but one of many scenarios in which S.1867 could be used in an all together different way than it was supposedly intended.
Not to put rats in your skulls, but can you imagine what Machiavellian event could be orchestrated by the government to give it the "Reichstag Moment" it needed to justify martial law. Does not S.1867 open the door for this horrid possibility? Everything is now in place for such a situation to be realized. Let's go one agonizing step further. Suppose a certain president facing a certain landslide loss at the voting polls was to create a nationwide emergency, a dastardly act of terrorism, or a civil uprising that the law had now been changed to accommodate? S. 1867 would be that very bill, all they needed to deliver the nation into a perpetual state of martial law that would, no doubt, trump a presidential election. The dictatorship would be in place! The opposition neutralized!

In the current Iowa caucus, I didn't hear much about this. It seems to me that it is very important.
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I Want To Be Your Home Schooler | Fear

Bat fear
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – January 3, 2012 –
I see fear mongering used as a talking point. I get the impression that fear mongering has a less than desirable connotation among users of talking points. I propose that fear is a good thing. When I was a kid, I was afraid of bats, and I still am for that matter. Rightly or wrongly, I believe that bats have teeth, and can bite you. They can transmit rabies. I do know that rabies treatment is painful and expensive. So, fear of bats is a good thing.
I remember my mother teaching my younger siblings that hot meant one could get burned. If you were told hot, and then you touched the stove, you learned that hot meant you should fear getting burnt.
I’m adding this: Why do we install sprinkler systems? Answer: Because…we fear fire.
On my recent post, This rather brilliantly cuts thru all the political doublespeak we get  I was accused of fear mongering. I’m telling the world, right now, that we should fear unbridled spending, and irresponsible spending, lest we end up like Greece, et cetera.
Specifically, we should fear President Obama, who just exhibited his unnecessary spending on his and his family's vacation. President Obama should set an example as a leader; he, and his wife, set the worst example possible of spending discipline. Discipline means doing things in an orderly fashion. President Obama and his wife did not do things in an orderly fashion with regard to spending, on his most recent vacation.
The President seems comfortable with increasing the debt limit…again…$1.2 trillion in February 2012.
The race card will probably be used to defend the president. Call me a racist, and it doesn’t bother me at all. I like a lot of black entertainers, black truckers, and I have a black close friend here in Pittsburgh, who I have connected with since around 1985. When I came to Pittsburgh to visit two years ago, he was one of two people, who came to where I was staying, to visit. He was broke down on the Turnpike a couple months ago, and I stopped to offer help. I don’t fear being called a racist.
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This rather brilliantly cuts thru all the political doublespeak we get


Bobs tuna

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This is an illustration of what the government is getting away with, and the people are not at all concerned.

My brother sent this to me in an email. That is how this article was brought to light.

I don’t care what your political connections are, if you agree with this kind of management, you deserve the consequences.

Couple the above with the possibility of marshal law, and imprisonment without trial within the year 2012. Probably there would be no election in 2012.


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orange sliced

I spent about 13 years in Texas. I spent about 5 years in Florida. I spent about 5 years in Arizona.

Oranges were grown in all three states. I was able to buy fresh squeezed orange juice in the grove areas of Texas. I also consumed Texas oranges. Texas oranges are my favorite.

My brother in-law’s son married the daughter of the owner of an orange grove near Tampa, Florida. My understanding is that that grove has now been sold for a million, or millions. I learned a little about the strategy, which grove owners use, when a freeze happens.

When we lived in Arizona, we passed orange groves over a hundred times a year. [1] There’s a type of orange called “Arizona sweets”. I stopped at an orange market, and saw the oranges, but I have never tasted one. I have picked oranges off the tree in Arizona, which were as sour as they could possibly be. They are really inedible.

Clementines are very sweet.

There’s a $250 fine for unauthorized picking of oranges in Arizona.

An orange sells for about 50 cents in Pittsburgh in most grocery stores. However, I can buy oranges for 25 cents at a store near our townhouse, and they are high quality, name brand, oranges.

Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic. An orange contains about 60 milligrams of vitamin C. The recommended daily amount of vitamin C is about 100 milligrams. So, if you eat two oranges a day, it will help cure infections, et cetera.

Vitamin C in Foods



Oranges are just one of my many blessings.



[1] Oranges Next Year’s Crop

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Journey Night Lighting | Et Cetera

Journey-Caravan Side
journey led light
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 29, 2011 –
This is not the best of all possible pictures, but it illustrates what I wanted to convey. The interior LED lights in a Journey are beautiful. The paint on the outside the rear door is bright silver, which doesn’t show up at night. It contrasts with the white LED lights inside the car. The white LED light lights up the whole interior of the car, front and back.
There’s a LED light under the front door, which lights the area outside the driver’s door. There isn’t one under the rear door, but I suppose there is one under the passenger door. The light from the driver’s door does light up the area outside the rear door.
While I was out taking the picture, I looked at some of the other screen information. The temperature of the coolant is displayed. The temperature of the motor oil is displayed. The temperature of the transmission fluid is displayed, and that’s all I looked at.
We are scheduled to have the “remote start” feature installed on January 3rd. We could have had it installed before the 25th, but we decided to wait, and I’m glad we did. Our son is here from Scottsdale, Arizona, and we wanted to have our car available. He’s going back to Arizona on Saturday December 31, 2011.