
I wrote a story about water

 No, I didn't have a car in high school.

I wrote a story about "Water", which I will post.


I was born in 1930. There was a cistern in front of the house that I lived in. The cistern collected rain water. The pump was worn and wouldn't work. Andy Wolfrum's father had used the cistern as a water source. There were no rivers, lakes, or water sources nearby. So water had to come from other cisterns. Andy Wolfrum drilled a well around 1936. Our house was a football field away from his, and we used his well water. We bathed in galvanized wash tubs, which were also used to wash clothes. They held about twenty gallons of water. My father had a Model A Ford car. We used the car to haul water. We used 10 gallon milk containers to hold water.

Don Wolfrum, March 06, 2023

Andy was concerned about Sulphur being in the water. He tasted the first samples to check on Sulphur content. Sulphur tastes and smells bad.

Don Wolfrum, March 07, 2023

Tell me about an adventure you've been on

 Tell me about an adventure you've been on.

by Don Wolfrum on March 04, 2023.

My first reaction: I've not been on any dangerous events. Then a memory came to me. I was in the US Army on basic training at Ft. Eustis, Virginia. We were sliding under live machine gun fire. Bullets were whizzing a few inches above our heads. If you raised your head six inches, you would probably die. Now, that's a bit dangerous. Instant death, if you make the wrong move.

Don Wolfrum, March 04, 2023

Thank you for commenting Nancy.

Don Wolfrum, March 04, 2023

Dave: Did you go under machine gun fire in the army?

When did you get your first car?

When did you get your first car?

 by Don Wolfrum on February 26, 2023.

I got a 1926 Model T Ford, when I was a teenager. Neighbors gave it to me. I was fourteen in 1944, It was a good car, and I was able to keep it running. I didn't know of any other kids, who were given cars, so getting a car was special.

Don Wolfrum, February 26, 2023 

How did your parents pick your name?

 How did your parents pick your name?

 by Don Wolfrum on February 20, 2023.

Idon’t know, but they called me Donald Lee. I don’t know where the Lee came from either. Even when I was over twenty years old, my father called me Donald Lee. Maybe he had something to do with naming me. I remember my father calling me Donald Lee, but my mother, not so much.

Don Wolfrum, February 20, 2023

Fifteen years in the future



15 years in the future

 by Don Wolfrum on February 19, 2023.

Henry will be 19 years old. Henry, “Don’t smoke cigarettes, don’t use unnecessary drugs, and save for the future.” I lived to a ripe old age. I did smoke cigarettes in high school, and at other times in my life. If you want to live a long life, don’t smoke. Drugs were not for me. I saw the effect drugs had on people, and I didn’t want any part of them. You will have money to save for the future, if you don’t spend it unnecessarily. I gave Marlee $3,000, which she used to help pay for her house. I gave it in a bunch of small amounts. The money was invested in S&P Spyders, which grew at a 10% rate.

Don Wolfrum, February 19, 2023

 Vicki, Marlee, Nancy, and Dave aren’t druggies and don’t smoke.

Don Wolfrum, February 20, 2023

Marlee has thanked you for this story.

Who do you consider your icons?

 Ronald Reagan is an icon. He was honest, intelligent, and wise. John Kennedy impressed me with his wisdom regarding Cuba. HTTPS://WWW.GOOGLE.COM/SEARCH?Q=JOHN+KENNEDY+CUBAN+MISSILE+CRISIS&OQ=JOHN+KENNEDY+CUBA&AQS=CHROME.0.0I355I512J46I512J69I57J0I512J0I22I30I625L6.19008J0J7&SOURCEID=CHROME&IE=UTF-8

Jonathan Turley impressed me with his non partisan wisdom.

Rupert Murdoch owns the nypost, and many other media outlets.


I have posted the front page of the HTTPS://NYPOST.COM/ daily for quite some time.

Facebook removed one of my groups, and was hostile to me. I’m still on Facebook, but I prefer Twitter.

Don Wolfrum, February 12, 2023

 This story has been seen by Marlee, Vicki, Dave, and Nancy.

Storyworth post 65

This should have been in the book

by Don Wolfrum on February 06, 2023.

The horse:

I was going through a small town in the middle of the night. I was driving my loaded truck. Suddenly a horse landed on the hood of my truck. A horse was walking on the street unattended in the dark and we collided. The horse came from the left side of the road. The police came and assisted me in getting my truck parked. They also had words with the owner of the horse the next day.

A guy got in front of the wheels of my loaded trailer:

I was stopped at a red light in New York City. I heard alarming sounds, and when I looked in the mirror, I saw a guy crouching in front of the wheels of my loaded trailer. The people pulled him away, and he wasn’t hurt.

Larry Glenn:

Larry was the Ravenswood, WV terminal manager. He was also an advisor to Angelo Fonzi. He advised about equipment purchases. He probably recommended purchasing the 34 wheel rig, which I drove. I depended on him for maintenance decisions, When the horse hit my truck, I called Larry. Larry was the overseer of getting the truck repaired. The truck was a Volvo with a 400 horsepower Volvo engine. The cab was equipped with a bunk heater. I had a refrigerator and microwave, which belonged to me. I could prepare food while inside US Steel.

Don Wolfrum, February 06, 2023

One of the dumbest things I’ve done:

I painted a pretty red brick house green. We lived in the house on Summit street in Defiance, Ohio.

Don Wolfrum, February 20, 2023


This story has been seen by Vicki, Dave, and Nancy.