
The United States Can't Afford Four More Years of President Obama

fxobama van jones
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 5 –

    OWS activists tend to be young, naïve, and foolish, and they have no agenda. The protesters are against things like corporate greed and income inequality, and they are for fairness and taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Few if any of them have a grip on the facts.
I like to compare them with Bolsheviks. If you have watched Dr Zhivago, I could envision the United States in a situation similar to the one in that movie.
    The utopian Marxist/socialist society that President Obama and OWS activists clamor for has never existed, and it never will. Everywhere Marxism/socialism has been tried, it has failed. The reason is simple. In a nutshell, people living under Marxist/socialist regimes gravitate toward doing as little as they possibly can to get the meager benefits to which they are entitled. It happened in the Soviet Union and in China. The Soviet Union collapsed under the pressure of Marxism/socialism and is now history. Realizing that their political system was in jeopardy, leaders in China made a radical shift toward capitalism to avoid the same fate. Right now, countries throughout Europe are imploding under the crushing weight of Marxism/socialism and will fail just like the Soviet Union did if they don't change their ways. Greece gets most of the attention, but Italy, Spain, and Ireland, to name just a few, are not far behind.
I have been saying the exact same thing in some of my articles.
The following amplifies my thinking also expressed in my articles:
    Could the same thing happen in the United States? You bet it could. That's one important reason why I believe the 2012 presidential election is the most important election in our nation's history. If we don't change course now, we may seal our nation's fate and go the way of the Soviet Union. It boils down to this. You can't tax wealth-creators into oblivion and transfer their assets to the poor without disincentivizing the doers among us who are also the job-creators. That's what's happening under the Obama administration, and that's why our unemployment rate is stuck at an unacceptably high level.
    Before his death, Apple founder Steve Jobs put his finger on the problem. President Obama is anti-business. On top of that, he's an inspiration to the freeloaders among us, many of whom are OWS activists. We need a president who inspires the doers, the wealth and job creators. Barack Obama is not that person.
    As Democratic politicians led by President Obama pump up their rhetoric about "fairness" and play the class warfare game to curry favor with disaffected groups and malcontents, keep these things in mind. Our current trajectory leads to insolvency. We engage in wild-eyed deficit spending and pretend that there are no consequences, we have piled up almost $15 trillion of debt, and we are forecasting huge deficits as far as the eye can see. Things can't continue as they are. Our creditors will make sure that they don't if we fail to take action ourselves.
In the November 2012 elections, the choice will be: Marxism by Democrats, or Capitalism and Conservatism. If it is Marxism, misery will follow. If it is Capitalism and Conservatism, there will be Hope and Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

WH rejects subpoena request for Solyndra docs

fxwhite house rejects subpeona
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Washington  November 5, 2011

The White House attorney has rejected a subpoena for records regarding the Solyndra loan guarantee.
It is immaterial whether the subpoena is partisan or not. The question is: Is evidence being held secret? Withholding or tampering with evidence is a serious crime.


A Tribute to LittleFawn Also Known as WoundedKnee

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fxLittleFawn permission
LittleFawn Flag email
LittleFawn flag
LittleFawn wolfman email
LittleFawn Monitor3aa
LittleFawn NO MORE1._
LittleFawn take over
LittleFawn Bugs
Little Fawn Puppy cup
LittleFawn Hi
LittleFawn trucker email
LittleFawn trucker email 2
Little Fawn wolfman
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WoundedKnee writes poems also.
Imagine the time and effort that it took to accomplish these tasks!
If this isn’t caring, kindness, love, and beauty, I don’t know what is.
Wolf Wolfman


ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After They're Exposed as Players Behind 'Occupy Wall Street' Protests

obama puppet acorn

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Read Article

The former ACORN organization in New York City is in turmoil.

Evidence bearing the word ACORN  is being destroyed.

There are reports that two employees were fired, but that is disputed.

    Staffers were also given copies of photos of Senior Fox News Correspondent Eric Shawn and three other Fox News staff members, including this reporter.

    FoxNews.com’s report identified NYCC as a key organizing force behind the Occupy Wall Street protests.

    A supervisor read the “report” about the former ACORN’s connection to the Occupy Wall Street protests, to fellow workers, line by line.

Surveillance cameras and other security devices are being installed at the former ACORN building.

President Obama is a long term supporter of ACORN, SEIU, and unions.

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Hope and Change | Uncertainty and Decline | Dreams |

obama approval 30s

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 3 –

The following is a quote from “Dreams of My Father”, President Obama’s book:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I choose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists,”

Let’s dissect these few words. To avoid being mistaken for…will be disregarded, but sellout will be analyzed. Sellout; sellout of what? The answer is in the same statement. “I choose Marxist professors as my friends.” So, sellout means President Obama wanted to avoid being an anti Marxist. What further proof is necessary to prove that President Obama is a Marxist?

President Obama said, “I choose…” President Obama was not pressured into anything, he was not misguided, he made his choice of Marxism of his own free will. He was fearless. He didn’t fear the consequences of his statement.

“my friends”

  • The more politically active black students
  • The foreign students
  • The Chicanos
  • The Marxist professors
  • structural feminists

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. I don’t want to lose the attention span. I do want to make an indelible impression:

President Obama is a Marxist.

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Hope and Change | Uncertainty and Decline | Private Sector Takeovers |

Medicare NY 26

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 2 –

The Democrats thought they had a good thing going after Kathy Hochul’s NY-26 win. It was going to be a 2012 campaign strategy.

President Obama and the Democrats have shoved Obamacare down the throats of United States citizens. If Obamacare is declared unconstitutional, our laws, our constitution, or whatever it takes, should make takeovers of the private sector, criminal acts. If attempts are made to take over the private sector, it should be possible to try those responsible, and if convicted, the perpetrators should be put in jail.

Who went to jail for activities related to government takeover of AIG? Nobody.

Who went to jail for government takeover of part of the mortgage industry? Nobody.

If someone tries to make it possible to take over health care, by putting it in the public sector, or any other private enterprise, it should be criminal activity.

This proposal should stop Marxism in regard to private sector takeovers.

I’m against government being in the electricity business. Private enterprise is competitive, and produces superior results.

Democrats would not support this idea, because they are Marxists, or lean towards Marxism. The Tea Party would support criminalization of the takeovers in the private sector, and Republicans in general would support such laws. Therefore it is imperative to get the legislators necessary to pass the needed laws. Reelecting legislators routinely, has to stop. To keep the same legislators and expect a different result is insanity on the part of the voters. We need fresh blood in Congress.

Our country will move to the right hopefully, after the demonstration of Marxism by President Obama and the Democrats. Obamacare, a government takeover of a private sector industry, is a Marxist idea.

Not only is it a Marxist idea, it may be declared unconstitutional.

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Hope and Change | Uncertainty and Decline | I |

Marxist in Chief

Transcript of video

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 1 –

President Obama and the government are in charge of student loans. President Obama is a Marxist. That’s the Marxist way: Take student loans out of the private sector, and put them in the public sector. The public sector lacks competitiveness, and does a lousy job, but a Harvard educated president thinks he’s wiser than everybody, and that things should be done his way. Even if it brings about the decline of the country.

I worked many years at General Motors. I spent a good bit of time as a time study engineer there. I have written massive time study plans that existed for decades. If there is one thing that I have witnessed first hand, it is that incentives increase productivity. The backdrop for my activity was competition. We wanted to be competitive with Chrysler and their slant six engine. We wanted to out compete all the auto manufacturers, but General Motors at that time had a self destructive principle: If the union wants the front door; give it to them.

Getting back to government; how many time study engineers are there in government? I don’t know and I don’t care. All I know is, as Dan Rather so wisely said, “Obama couldn’t sell watermelons on a roadside stand.” The people in government are parasites, who suck the life blood out of the private sector.

I’d like to see unions taxed. Instead of tax the rich, I’d like to see tax the unions. Maybe the destructive effects of unions on our society could be ameliorated.

Folks, we have the opportunity to become competitive. We will not be competitive as long as Marxists are in control of our government.

My vote will be for candidates, who I consider to be promoters of competition, not Marxist equality ideas.


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