
My New Dodge Journey-Electronic Miracle!

Journey-Passenger Side
Passenger side view
Journey-Top View
Journey-Caravan Comparison
Journey-Caravan Side
Journey Front View
Click any Image to Enlarge
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 12 –
We picked up our new Dodge Journey, which was filled with surprises. It is an electronic miracle! It is keyless and the controls are electronic. The first thing we had to do was learn how to start it. It was necessary to have the fob [1] on your person, step on the brake pedal, and then hit the start button. When the start button is pushed, the starter doesn’t engage immediately. There’s a slight pause, and all of a sudden, the motor is running. When you walk up to the car with the fob in your pocket, you can open the door. If you don’t have the fob, it won’t open.
I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I can see how there could be big problems. I looked in the owner's manual to try to find out how to open the liftgate, and I had to do a search on the computer to find out how to do it.
I wanted to preset a station on the radio, and it looked like "go" should be clicked to do it. Well, "go" was a dead link, and when I clicked on "radio" it locked the station in.
I was just doing normal things, and the "warning" turn signals came on. After half an hour, I found out that there are two screens, and I was using the wrong one, to do that.
I’ll never like the center console, but I’ll tolerate it.
It has seventeen inch aluminum wheels.
My bother priced a 2010 Journey, and it was more than my brand new one!
[1] Small electronic device


President Obama's Osawatomie Speech was a Marxist Attack on America

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Rush doesn’t tell me what to believe. I do it my way.
I listened to President Obama’s entire speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, and it was filled with Marxism and Marxist ideas. The audience was exuberant. I didn’t hear a single boo. There were dissenting noises in President Obama’s speech about Occupy Wall Street being the reason he ran for office. I wonder whether the two different reactions were consequential or by design.
Basically, President Obama said that our traditional capitalism has been a failure, and that he, in his infinite wisdom, knows how to transform it. I kept thinking: This is the person, who gave us Solyndra, shut down Chrysler and General Motors, screwed investors, promotes unions, wants government control of private health care insurers, put student loans in the public sector,  has been visited by Andy Stern 53 times, Occupy Wall Street is the reason he ran for office, and last but not least; is recorded on video saying that he wants to transform America.
Do you remember Joe Wilson? Article with Video


Wavesofgrain Comment On: Dead Movement Walking: Top Ten New Media Moments That Brought Down #OccupyWallStreet

Diane Ryker
OWS is way more popular than the Tea Party
There were no Tea Party member arrests with the peaceful rallies of the Tea Party. Those with peaceful agendas wishing the government exercise fiscal responsibility is not news. Violence and public riots are news, and therefore newsworthy. This fact, therefore, as Wolf stated, aided in the public forming negative opinions concerning the OWS. It shows that we spent 200 years creating a civil society,only to see a leader, in less that three years, tear it down, promoting behavior similar to third world countries in solving problems.
With lightning speed, photographs and videos told the story the MSM attempted to cover up….
It has been blatantly obvious the mainstream media is being bought by the left...most likely the NGO Soros covers. (that are banned in other countries due to the result of collapsing their economies). The Tides Foundation is even funding Google now!!! Obama has even pampered Facebook...they've hired a Democrat to help with government Facebook intervention. Our info is no longer safe there. They were quite underhandedly clever to infest these medias, using them to brainwash those in society that don't research facts farther than the liberal bibles. Fact Check, Snopes, Media Matters...you name it...you will find an Obama/Soros connection.
But many of the populace has researched other sites to find facts hidden from the left sources. And they are shared and spread like wildfire. How else would we not find that the OWS is merely an army of the left to provide distractions for the recent wrongdoings by the government?
Easily obtainable contradictory facts from the internet is one reason Obama gave powers to the FCC to try to regulate the internet. (look at his "tattletale" sites he set up) And Obamacare support is not the only reason he chose Kagan for the courts. He liked her views on limiting free speech, and government control. It is events like the OWS fiascos, links to other news sources, that are revealed through the internet. And Obama wants to control this.

Net Neutrality
…and all of this was generated by We The People.
This president has already nationalized banks, student loans, auto factories and health care. He now has let unelected officials make decisions concerning our internet, against the will of the people. This act is the beginning of government control of our internet, almost dictatorial. The Senate defeated a resolution to overturn it in November, with Obama threatening a Veto if it passed. He has also retained power to shut off our internet at will without congressional approval. Obama does not like the internet freedom, as it is exposing so many of the facts, as the OWS origination, he has strived to keep from the public. Our ability and freedom to exchange information through the internet may become restricted the longer the left remains in office.
Diane has granted permission to publish her comment. Thank you Diane!


Downfall of Occupy Wall Street

occupy wall street new york city
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 5 –
The impression I get from this article is: The very media that is liberal, was instrumental in the downfall of Occupy Wall Street.
The copper-pooper image turned people against Occupy Wall Street.
The chanting and the content of that chanting was a turn off.
    Occupy’s most important narrative went up in smoke, and suddenly all the other pieces came together: the criminality, cult-like chanting, anti-Americanism, Marxism, anti-Semitism, sexual depravity and overall stench suddenly made perfect sense. This wasn’t some spontaneous movement generated by youthful idealism. This was the left, and this is who the left is.
This article clearly states that President Obama was a supporter of this group. I’ll add that Soros, Democrats, et cetera, hitched their wagon to the Occupy Wall Street star. Now, they all have egg on their face. Axelrod, Gibbs, and Carney’s work is cut out for them, if they are going to try to save President Obama’s face!
    By the hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands, citizen journalists took everything listed above (and more) and then went around the corrupt MSM in order to let the word go forth. While the mainstream media told their lies and half-truths and chose whatever context would fit their pro-Occupy narrative, within seconds, real truths were emailed, posted on Facebook pages and blogs, tweeted and re-tweeted. With lightning speed, photographs and videos told the story the MSM attempted to cover up…. …and all of this was generated by We The People.
The Bolsheviks operated in the neighborhood of seventy years, before communism was ended in the Soviet Union. Occupy Wall Street’s Utopia didn’t even get off the ground, compared to the Bolsheviks.


Fund Raising in New York at Tree Lighting


Rockeller Center christmas
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Draw your own conclusions:

    Oh, what a night. Everybody knows that driving in Manhattan is a form of insanity, but getting behind the wheel Wednesday night was a recipe for disaster -- and massive gridlock. President Obama came to Midtown about the same time that hundreds of people were gathering at Rockefeller Center for the annual lighting of the 30,000 bulbs on the mammoth Christmas tree -- and as thousands of New Yorkers were trying to get home from work. If that wasn’t enough, teen heartthrob Justin Bieber and octogenarian-hipster Tony Bennett were among the pre-taped headliners for the tree lighting ceremony. In other words --aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! The president went to not one, not two, but three fundraisers in Manhattan, collecting donations in the East Village, on the Upper East Side and in Midtown. The streets along the president's path were lined with uniformed New York Police Department officers and shut down by blue barricades when he was nearby. Those blue barricades also lined the area near Rockefeller Center to direct the crowds. But the barriers didn't stop tourists who don’t know how to cross a New York street — look both ways and run — from walking in front of some cars and infuriating local drivers. Mostly drivers just gritted their teeth. "When Obama is in town, you get ready to get stuck in traffic," Ray Morales, 57, of the Bronx told the New York Daily News. "It's a nightmare." Even before he came to town, Obama was criticized from the usual quarters for his timing. The conservative New York Post editorialized that “with just a little less arrogance, and a little more consideration, on the part of the president and his political team, the whole mess could have been avoided.” Donald Trump, appearing on Fox Business Network, said it was “very inconsiderate” of the president to come during the Christmas-tree lighting. Of course, New York is traditionally a Democratic town, and Obama won here by a wide margin. What are New Yorkers going to do -- not vote for him next time around because they arrived home four hours late one night?

Would you like a presidential fund raiser near your home on the day before Christmas?

Home Remedies

LittleFawn Bugs
Click to Enlarge
Image Courtesy of WoundedKnee
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 2 –
Sally, Newsvine moderator, has a seed posted about athletes drinking pickle juice.

Pickle juice helps athletes stay hydrated, according to a new study.
I went to a boarding school in high school and the school nurse provided a mixture of whiskey, lemon, and honey for sore throats. My granddaughter is a registered nurse, and she said that honey is good for sore throats.
Last year I had a bad experience with a nyquil like product. It made me sicker. I’m guessing that the pain reliever was responsible.
At any rate, here’s the recipe for honey, whiskey, and lemon, home remedy.
Sore Throat
4 oz 120 ml water
1 ½ oz 45 ml whiskey
¾ oz 22 ml honey
1 slice lemon


First: It Was Boeing | Now: It’s American Airlines

Some rights reserved by ReneS
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 29 –
"a date which will live in infamy"
American Airlines declared bankruptcy this morning. What is the problem? Unions, Democrats, NLRB, President Obama, et cetera, are the problem.
What is the cause of the problem? We have strayed from the golden rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
What are the possible solutions? Ridicule unions, Democrats, NLRB, President Obama, et cetera. Get behind political groups, who will try to do what is good for our country instead of what is good for politicians, and special interests. Try to vote out the enemies, who harm our country.
In my case, I’m going to get into the face of President Obama, who is a union lover, in spite of the consequences his actions bring to our country. There aren’t enough adjectives and names to describe a transformer intent upon destruction. A Marxist, who is a member of a network of comrades. Van Jones, OWS, unions, organizations previously affiliated with ACORN, et cetera, are network members.
I have had quite a few thoughts about this debacle. My son in-law’s brother works for American Airlines, and has been there in the neighborhood of twenty years. He will be impacted. My son in-law is a union official in a local plant of a large corporation. My thinking says the son in-law should want his brother treated like he himself would want to be treated, but my son in-law is union oriented, and supports union acts, which harm others in general, including his own brother.
I pray to God that American Airlines will recover from bankruptcy. I hope the unions will get their just deserts, while the bankruptcy proceeds. Most of all, I would like to see public opinion , including opinion of President Obama, and legislation, turn against union activity, which puts companies and our country in harm’s way.
Boeing and our country are being harmed by the same perpetrators.
Greece is in trouble. We’re headed in the same direction.