
Wavesofgrain Comment On: Dead Movement Walking: Top Ten New Media Moments That Brought Down #OccupyWallStreet

Diane Ryker
OWS is way more popular than the Tea Party
There were no Tea Party member arrests with the peaceful rallies of the Tea Party. Those with peaceful agendas wishing the government exercise fiscal responsibility is not news. Violence and public riots are news, and therefore newsworthy. This fact, therefore, as Wolf stated, aided in the public forming negative opinions concerning the OWS. It shows that we spent 200 years creating a civil society,only to see a leader, in less that three years, tear it down, promoting behavior similar to third world countries in solving problems.
With lightning speed, photographs and videos told the story the MSM attempted to cover up….
It has been blatantly obvious the mainstream media is being bought by the left...most likely the NGO Soros covers. (that are banned in other countries due to the result of collapsing their economies). The Tides Foundation is even funding Google now!!! Obama has even pampered Facebook...they've hired a Democrat to help with government Facebook intervention. Our info is no longer safe there. They were quite underhandedly clever to infest these medias, using them to brainwash those in society that don't research facts farther than the liberal bibles. Fact Check, Snopes, Media Matters...you name it...you will find an Obama/Soros connection.
But many of the populace has researched other sites to find facts hidden from the left sources. And they are shared and spread like wildfire. How else would we not find that the OWS is merely an army of the left to provide distractions for the recent wrongdoings by the government?
Easily obtainable contradictory facts from the internet is one reason Obama gave powers to the FCC to try to regulate the internet. (look at his "tattletale" sites he set up) And Obamacare support is not the only reason he chose Kagan for the courts. He liked her views on limiting free speech, and government control. It is events like the OWS fiascos, links to other news sources, that are revealed through the internet. And Obama wants to control this.

Net Neutrality
…and all of this was generated by We The People.
This president has already nationalized banks, student loans, auto factories and health care. He now has let unelected officials make decisions concerning our internet, against the will of the people. This act is the beginning of government control of our internet, almost dictatorial. The Senate defeated a resolution to overturn it in November, with Obama threatening a Veto if it passed. He has also retained power to shut off our internet at will without congressional approval. Obama does not like the internet freedom, as it is exposing so many of the facts, as the OWS origination, he has strived to keep from the public. Our ability and freedom to exchange information through the internet may become restricted the longer the left remains in office.
Diane has granted permission to publish her comment. Thank you Diane!

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