
Congressional Budget Office reports another $1 trillion deficit

    In August, for example, the agency predicted 2.7 percent growth in real GDP for 2012, when measured fourth quarter to fourth quarter. Unemployment was expected to fall to 8.5 percent. The new forecast predicts 2 percent growth by comparison, and 8.9 percent unemployment.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/72205_Page2.html#mainContent President Obama only knows how to dispense fruits, he is either unable or unwilling to plant trees of affluence. The same holds true for President Obama’s administration.


Shake Your Finger in President Obama’s Face

Brewer shake finger
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – January 29, 2012 –
Jan Brewer did.
Jan was able to express her dissatisfaction with President Obama. We are entitled to express our thoughts and feelings as well. I keep thinking about the colonies, and King George III. The colonists didn’t believe that it was necessary, or proper, to bow and curtsy to the king. ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is disrespected. Community organizers in general are disrespected. Unions are disrespected as indicated by the number of states passing right to work laws. Governor Walker is in a battle against unions. He may or may not win, but unions won’t boost the economy in Wisconsin, or anywhere else.
Occupy Wall Street is a group dedicated to the idea that Wall Street is bad and harmful to our society. The Occupy Wall Street group are President Obama’s kind of people. He said in effect that they are the kind of people that was the reason he ran for president.
Dennis Prager said this:
 “Leftism has never planted the trees of affluence; it only knows how to dispense the fruit.”
I think Prager hit on the key to the flaw in President Obama and community organizing in general. “Leftism has never planted the trees of affluence”. President Obama mistakenly tried to use Petrobas, but the beneficiary was China. President Obama tries to promote green energy, but he never has “planted the trees of affluence”. He wants desperately to tax the rich. He wants to spend beyond any rational standard.
President Obama has earned the disrespect of Jan Brewer. Say what you want about Jan Brewer. Enough people respected her to make her governor of Arizona. Millions of dollars have been donated to defend the state of Arizona’s SB 1070. She has written a book. I wish that I was capable of writing a book, and getting it published.
[1] I might add that I think about Bill Clinton. He attempted to shake hands with someone, who didn’t want to shake hands with him. The guy was taken to the police station and questioned.
I was involved in a law suit. The opposition won. The opposition lawyer wanted to shake hands with me at the end of the trial. I didn’t want to, and I didn’t.


Photo Friday | From Soup to Nuts


This puts us in perspective
Car middle snow
Vitamin C
Rose yellow
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – January 20, 2011 –

Our area is covered with snow. It came down as a light powder.
I have an ear infection. I’m trying to treat it with vitamin C, among other things. It’s not getting any worse, but it isn’t much better either. If I succeed in healing it, I’ll let you know. In case you don’t hear from me: I dropped dead!
My daughter sent the yellow rose to my wife. I like it just as much as I would a bouquet of a dozen yellow roses, which we have had on several occasions. There was no special occasion. She was in the area, and dropped by to give it to her mother.
Life is good!


Ear Infection | Alternative Treatment



AttributionSome rights reserved by Official U.S. Navy Imagery

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  –  January 11, 2011  – 

I have had an ear canal infection for several days now. The first thing I would like to mention is: Don’t use Q tips to clean ear wax from your ears. It is likely that you will push ear wax further into your ear canal. There are plastic devices to remove ear wax in the stores, but I chose not to use one of those either.

I did use an infrared light to heat the ear canal area, but didn’t see any obvious results of melted ear wax.

I read that vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and that there are other natural antibiotics. I went the vitamin C route.

There are quite a few foods, which contain vitamin C. I decided to try to use my body to fight the inflammation from inside my body.  We had clementines available, and I ate at least 2 clementines every three hours. I had frozen strawberries, so, I thawed them, and ate strawberries and bananas. I ate cauliflower and broccoli with my meals. I ate tomatoes, onions, and cucumbers in my salad. Garlic would have been good, but I didn’t use it.

My wife had sweet oil, which I heated and put into my ear every three hours or so. It reduced the pain, and seemed to fight the germs. I read about tea tree oil, so I bought some, and used it. It will kill germs, fungus, and viruses. I wanted to kill germs from the outside. It burns like alcohol. They don’t recommend putting it on irritated or broken skin, but I did anyway. I used it sparingly.

I bought a syringe, which is like a hypodermic needle syringe, but it has a device on the end, which fits the outside of the ear canal. It irrigates the ear canal, and washes out debris. I used hydrogen peroxide to flush out the ear canal. It seemed to irritate the inflamed skin inside the ear, so I only flushed the ear canal out once so far.

Just because I did these things, does not mean that it is the right thing to do. I did it, and I’m still alive. My ear isn’t healed, but it has improved, instead of getting worse.


What is Being Ignored | Campaign 2012

Dunce campaign 2012

AttributionSome rights reserved by cogdogblog

I belong to a secret group on Newsvine called Dumbasses. Here are two of the articles, which got the Dumbasses started: http://www.facebook.com/groups/165748923454011/doc/239742256054677/#!/profile.php?id=100001085634534&sk=notes

Reducing the deficit is important. The candidates don’t seem to me to be discussing it.

I do hear gay rights being discussed, but I don’t hear how to save Social Security and Medicare being discussed.

As far as I’m concerned, the Iowa caucus, New Hampshire primaries, and South Carolina primaries, are a waste of resources.

While the Republican candidates carry on their charade, President Obama engages in releasing terrorists from Gitmo.

There’s something that doesn’t seem right, but I’m a Dumbass.


http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/09/republican-blasts-obama-after-national-debt-surpasses-economic-output/ Good picture!


http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/138/244/funny-barack-michelle-obama-face.jpg Better picture!



One Day at a Time

2008 Post on YouTube
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – January 8, 2012 –

My wife was listening to music on the TV, and this song was played. I thought, that would be an appropriate video to post. It is also in the spirit of Sunday.

God Bless America!



register reregister
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – January 6, 2012 –
To members of Reality Check on Facebook:
There’s a Doc in Reality Check by Chris McCallister about reregistering. “Changing your IP”. The links don’t work.
That same Doc is posted on Terry Falcon’s Facebook wall. It has been edited.
Link to Terry Falcon’s reregister document.
If you are reregistering, those two docs are helpful.
I would like to post this web address to find your IP number, your ISP, and your router address. If someone wants to check your reregistering, they can use all three to check you out.
I was going to try to reregister recently, but didn’t.
I got a new email address, and I was going to have my son, who lives in Scottsdale, AZ register me on his I Pad. He was visiting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at my daughter’s house. His I Pad was connected to my daughter’s ISP, and her router. I’m just letting you know, how I planned to reregister. I was going to use the new reregister on my old desktop computer, which had been formatted. The old desktop computer is connected to my daughter’s ISP and router. So there would have been no cookies, or history.
I did reregister once. I was living in Scottsdale, AZ at the time, and was visiting my daughter’s house in Pittsburgh. I registered with a new email address on her desktop computer.
I’m hoping this information will be helpful at this time. If it becomes outdated, or if you want to provide additional information, please comment.
I read that you can change your IP number by unplugging your modem. One suggested unplugging it for 8 hours. My comment: If you change your IP number, your router or modem will remain the same. Also, your host will remain the same.
IP: Internet Protocol
ISP: Internet Service Provider
Host: Comcast for example
Router or Modem: Electronic device, which connects cable to computers
Formatted: Everything removed, including the Operating System.