
Tribute to Driftwood

Driftwood on facebook

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 28 –

Recently a Newsvine member commented on one of my articles. Suddenly the comment was deleted. I thought that I had inadvertently deleted the comment, and I apologized. It turned out subsequently that Valkerie was in fact Driftwood. She was banned, again, as a rereg. That was the reason that her comment was deleted. I mention this, because it illustrates the tireless, unending, efforts of Driftwood to oppose evil and Marxism in our society, and it’s difficulty.

When you read about Driftwood in her Wall and profile on Facebook, you will find an above average citizen. She has a lovely family, home, children, and friends. She also holds a responsible job. She has a gift for rebuttal of adversarial comments. She is head and shoulders above my rebuttal skills. During her time on Newsvine, she posted as many as ten seeds a day, or even more. The opposition waited with baited breath, to attack her comments and seeds. They mention her to this day on Newsvine, and they attempt to ridicule her. It doesn’t work, she is a legend in her own time.

She has reached the end of her road. I don’t think so. A person with her ingenuity will succeed. Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a way, Driftwood will find it.

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Other Rechargeables   

Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts   Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49

Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds.

A $25 order will get free shipping.


Removed Articles Can Be Posted In Comment Links | Proposals

truck4 large

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 27 –

If you click on this link, it will take you to Extraterrestrial’s comment, which is linked to my removed article. If you click on the link in #11 in Extraterrestial’s article, it will take you to the duplicate article on blogspot.

By the same token, a comment with a link to Greg’s removed Dumbass article, will take you to a duplicate of Greg’s removed article.

I will try to post other removed articles on my blogspot articles, or anyone can post their removed articles on their own web site.

Secrecy is important. I will attempt to put links to private Dumbass discussions in my blogspot articles. Reality Check on Facebook is a secret group, which I recommend.

I have some other ideas, which may be helpful to Dumbasses. I’m going to ask Dumbass members whether they are interested in a coalition with Libertarians, Republicans, and Tea Partiers. It might be possible to recruit Dumbasses from those groups. A Dumbass can go to any Dumbass discussion, the Dumbass group page, Reality Check on Facebook, email, or wherever to state your opinion.

I can envision 500 or more Dumbasses in the near future.

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Private discussions for group members





Other Rechargeables   

Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds.

A $25 order will get free shipping.


My Wireless Keyboard Quit Working

Keyboard logitech wireless

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 26 –

I started writing an article this morning, and my wireless keyboard quit working. I put fresh batteries in it, but that wasn’t the problem. The keyboard had a switch on the bottom, so I tried moving it, thinking that it might be a reset. I went to the control panel: Keyboard, and it told me that the keyboard was working properly. I started doing searches on Google, and ended up with a Microsoft search result. Part of the information on that page says to keep metal objects, among other things, away from the keyboard. I had a metal scissors on the rear side of the keyboard. I removed the scissors, tried the keyboard, and it works fine.

Whew! I feel better now.

I lost my eyeglasses and found them yesterday…at Tractor Supply, about ten miles from the house!

Newsvine Column with comments

Private discussions for group members is here.


Other Rechargeables   

Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds.

A $25 order will get free shipping.

Other Rechargeables

Are You a Dumbass?


Newsvine rhwenger

AttributionSome rights reserved by krooclub

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 26 –

The original article by rhwenger:

DA article1

10 things any "Dumbass" should Know:

1. To Reduce the Deficit, government needs to stop spending money they don't have.

2. Taxing people more and more is going to piss them off.

3. Placating nut jobs in other countries, gets you nothing and gets us angry, every time a new terrorist act occurs.

4. Calling people "Racist" because you disagree, is "Stupid" and has now made the word Meaningless.

5. Pushing a bill, you can't even answer questions on or explain, makes it a bad bill.

6. Claiming one thing in a bill, only for us to find out differently, after it's to late, makes you a liar.

7. Bailing out corporate buddies, in the name of Stimulus, as "We the People" hang in the balance, then want more and more from us, makes you the "Peoples Thief".

8. Hiring the same corporate buddies you claim to be against, as consultants, makes you no better than what you claim is bad, especially if you give them a "Peoples money" paycheck on top of the "Peoples Money" you already gave them.

9. Claiming "The Buck Stops Here" then blame everything and everyone else anyway, makes you a Hypocrite.

And my final:

10. Joe Wilson was "RIGHT".


 Newsvine Column with comment 

Private discussions for group members is here.



Other Rechargeables   

Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds.

A $25 order will get free shipping.

Other Rechargeables


President Obama, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot

gene tew

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 25 –

The following are excerpts from one of my Newsvine articles.


wolf #43.2,

Obama has no shame. The prompted applause and subdued crowd were more than obvious signs for that the support for his jobs bill is not there. (This is in reference to President Obama’s speech in a fire station in Virginia")

#43.3 - Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:31 AM EDT

Wolf Wolfman

chouchou #43.3...Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot didn't have any shame either!

#43.4 - Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:53 AM EDT


wolf #43.4,

  1. They all have sold false "hope" and "change" to their people in which they promised transformation( collectivism, a great leap forward, cultural revolution etc.) and by turning their countries into poverty-stricken societies, hate-the-rich (class warfare---scapegoat strategy, shifting blame from their dismal and failed policies to demonized villains (i.e. the rich, and whomever they want to attack and later made to disappear).
  2. Pitting one group against the other, polarizing the country with hate and fear using hate-purge chants and propaganda funneled through mass media.
  3. As their countries declined they (Mao, Stalin, Kim Jung-il, Pol Pot and so on) had a parallel crescendo of "savior/ messiah", a cult of personality, where they could bring redemption.
  4. They built a huge state/governments through national socialistic policies--- the bigger the state the smaller the citizen.
  5. In a huge state, jobs would be found in public (government) sectors and not private enterprises---building dependency and securing "loyalty" to the party.
  6. Lies, propagandas, and history rewritten are rampant, hence painting a different "reality" where they propagate an alter-reality for public consumption to shape and form public opinions.

Hitler employed a similar approach. In fact, Hitler borrowed from Stalin.

Stalinism gave rise to Hitler. This was thanks to Soviet communism’s absolutist and totalitarian nature, which gave Hitler all the evidence he needed that nothing less than the full militarization of society was required to confront the eastern menace. [1]

[1] http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/80201


chouchou is a world class thinker. Her thoughts, presented here, should influence the behavior of any patriotic citizen of the United States.

Newsvine Column with comments

Private discussion for members only.


Other Rechargeables   

Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds.

A $25 order will get free shipping.

Other Rechargeables


Rechargeable Batteries Blogspot

Batteries aa aaa

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Batteries and charger

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – October 24 –

I learned something today. I wanted to buy some rechargeable batteries. I found out that some sell for $2.33 each, and some run as high as $4. I bought mine from Amazon and they were $2.33 each. I think I saw some at Best Buy for $4. I was surprised to see where the high prices were.

Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac batteries can be recharged hundreds of times, but Sanyo batteries, which I bought, can be recharged a thousand times according to Sanyo.

I bought them from Amazon on the Internet, no taxes, and the shipping was free.

Then I found out that Home Depot and Radio Shack provide a means of disposing spent rechargeable batteries. A package can be picked up at their locations, and the spent batteries can be sent for recycling at no cost to the sender.

Finally, I found out that it is OK to dispose of ordinary AA, AAA, et cetera, batteries in the garbage.


Newsvine Column with comments: Dr Know



Other Rechargeables

Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds.A $25 order will get free shipping.


Sunday: The Day of Our Lord

If there is one part of this prayer that I would emphasize, it would be: Deliver us from evil.
The Lord’s prayer is in the bible. It has been around a long time, and it is translated into many languages. It is a common bond between thousands of religions.
Are You Ashamed?  Matthew 10:32-33 which says, "Everyone therefore who shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven."
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments have been around longer than the United States. They are depicted in stone and wood, inside and outside the Supreme Court of The United States, and the Ten Commandments are represented in the Library of Congress.
Moses is depicted as one of the sources of the law of Western Civilization inside and outside the United States Supreme Court.
Tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 
To claim that poisoned water, dirty air, et cetera is desired, is not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is also bearing false witness.

Newsvine Column with comments
Sanyo batteries recharge a thousand times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds. A $25 order will get free shipping.