
Updated: Chevy Volt

Chevy volt
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 25 –
My son has a Chevy Volt. The retail price is $41,430. The Federal government maximum rebate is $7,500. $41,430 minus $7500 equals $33,930. The advertised price is: As Low As $31, 645, which I don't understand. There is a $1000 rebate on a charger, so that's probably part of the explanation.
Frequently asked questions FAQ link is on the bottom right
Production and Sales
Jay Leno has a Volt with over 111,000 miles on it. I don't understand:
    For starters, as of September, he had yet to fill his gas tank since December 2010, even after 10,000 miles.
Maybe it's a typo, maybe the author intended 100,000 miles. In any case, Leno could travel back and forth to work without buying gasoline.
A battery costs $8,000:
    Each Chevy Volt battery pack will have about 220 cells and cost about $8,000, as previously announced by GM.
So, $8,000 divided by 100,000 miles equals $.08 per mile.
Here's some information about electricity costs
One more thing. The country can't be passing out $7,500 gifts. 2000 Volts times $7500 equals $15 million.
Any good accountant would frown on such spending in a private company. This country has bad management.


Be Careful On The Internet!

blogspot shoen cadell
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 22 –
I was doing a routine search on Bing last night, and one of my recent posts came up in one of the results. I’m a member of Google, and lot of my work appears in Google results. I’m not a member of Bing, but I am a Facebook member, and a lot of my work shows up all over the Internet. I am a member of MSN, so, I guess that would make me a Bing member too. I can’t put my finger on specific examples, but I was surprised to see my avatar displayed and a “like” for something.
I belong to a secret group on Facebook, and make some very explicit statements there. Thank God that they don’t show up on the Internet.
I have published some email lately, and I removed my real name and my email addresses. I also removed the email addresses of others.
I published a picture of a “rock” with my real name on it, but I erased the real name from the rock in the picture.
LittleFawn created the image of Obama, which is in the screen shot. This should provide some publicity for her work, which I attributed to her. She sent an email, after it was published. I plan to use some more of her work in the future.


"This government is the worst, everything it touches it destroys. I want a change, I'm fed up with this," she said.

Marx painting

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 20 –
I feel the same way, that the lady quoted does, about the United States. The first article is good. The second article is better.
From update:
In Barcelona, Spaniard Juan Sanchez said he had voted for Rajoy's party because when it was last in power from 1996 to 2004 unemployment had fallen, whereas under the Socialists that figure had risen to five million.
"Hundreds of small and big businesses have closed down," Sanchez said.
In Madrid, civil servant Diana Bachiller said: "I voted for the Socialists because I am sure that if the Popular Party comes to power it is going to begin to cut everything."

Do the above quotes sound familiar?
The civil servant is still for Socialism in the midst of the failure of Socialism in Spain. Socialists are in denial. Socialists are for destruction of countries. First we had the Bolsheviks and Lenin, now, we have Socialists touting Marxism in Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, et cetera. If the Socialists succeed, misery and decline will ensue, if history repeats itself.


Make Obama Happy | Make Michelle Happy | Vote Obama Out


Matthews: Obamas don’t like being in White House

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 20 –
This is a complete turn about by Chris Matthews. The thrill is gone. Not only does President Obama no longer thrill Chris Matthews; Michelle doesn’t either. Who knows how deep Chris Matthew’s mind runs? This is very hard to believe.
It is entirely possible that Chris Matthews has other derogatory thoughts about President Obama, which he does not openly state. When Chris Matthews makes the statements in the video above, I’m assured that President Obama is inferior in the eyes of Chris Matthews.
Are my words the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? I report, you decide.


Surplus of pessimism may cost Spain’s ruling Socialists at polls

fxspain socialists fall
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 19 –
Read Article
I read in this article that the socialist government in Spain is expected to fall this Sunday. This does not mean that President Obama’s government will fall in November of 2012, but it sure is a good omen. Socialism and hence Marxism is a bad idea. This is just one more example of the failure of Marxism. The Bolsheviks, Lenin, Stalin, and the Soviet Union are classic examples of Marxist failure, but there are current examples on display. Spain is just one of them.
Mr. Zapatero’s Socialist party (PSOE), which has been in power for eight years, has borne the brunt of public blame for Spain’s increasingly perilous economic situation, which has tainted the party’s leadership candidate, Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba.
Meanwhile, Mr. Rajoy has been coasting toward an expected landslide victory without saying much about how he plans to reverse Spain’s economic course.
The situation is bleak for the eurozone’s fourth-largest economy. Spain’s growth this year is projected at less than 1 percent, and the unemployment rate hovers near 23 percent, meaning 5 million people are out of work.
Spain’s economy has suffered in the global credit crunch like other countries, but it bears problems that have pushed the country into more trouble: The housing and construction bubble, which had accounted for 18 percent of GDP, burst in 2008, and the savings bank sector has collapsed as well.
What’s more, the savings bank sector - run by private banks and politicians - heavily financed the real estate sector and made risky investments. Spanish authorities are investigating several of the failed savings banks on corruption charges.
So, were Barney Frank and the Democrats wise to cause risky mortgages to be made? Should banking be government controlled, or is government impotent, when it comes to common sense and management principles?
We are in a terrible economic situation, and Marxism has only made the economy worse, not better.
First, we saw what happened in the Soviet Union, now we see socialist economies falling like dominoes:
A PP victory on Sunday will mark the fifth time this year that Europe’s financial crisis has prompted the ousting of a government:
• In February, the Irish evicted the governing Fianna Fail party, the first time the party has not dominated the parliament since 1927.
• This summer, Portugal voted out its socialist party amid severe austerity measures.
• Last week, the Greek and Italian governments collapsed under pressure from the EU and the financial markets.

Do You Want to Know?

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 18 –
Copy of email:
Good afternoon chouchou. Since we aren’t posting on Newsvine, I’ll post these seeded articles on my blog, which will also be posted on Facebook and Twitter. God Be With You to Guide and Protect You
From: chouchou
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 3:47 AM
To: Wolf Wolfman
Subject: RE: [goluckydonald]
Hi wolf,
I apologize for a delayed response. I am on my way to Indonesia and then Singapore. Maybe I should drop by Bali and send our greetings to our dear Leader aka First Pacific President? And by the way, Obama is fencing (words) after his visit to Australia with the communist Chinese. The communist gets irritated just about anything in their double standard world.
Over the weekend, I could set aside more time and I would visit your blog. That said, there are at least 4 articles that are super and should not go unnoticed. I am just going to drop it off with you in this email, and I will chime in later. Do whatever you want with it….but I highly recommend these four.
See you later.
chou chou


The Newsvine Boycott

newsvine rhwenger
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 15 –
A boycott of Newsvine has been announced on Reality Check, a secret group, on Facebook. You must be a member to participate in Reality Check on Facebook.
I won’t be posting any articles on Newsvine for the next seven days, commenting there, or anything. It will be just like I died as far as Newsvine is concerned.
I had an article on Newsvine with over 400 comments. pwtenny made some remarks that I didn’t approve of, so I deleted the article today. I did the same thing to him one other time. He backed off, but he was coming on strong again today, singing the praises of OWS. I think he got the message the last time, and he got another one today. He’s an avid Marxism supporter,  as long as he supports OWS, in my way of thinking.
I will discourage people who support Marxism.
Really this boycott of Newsvine is about people who don’t like Marxists or Marxism.
I read today that the Obama administration is going to spend $1000 million on promoting Obamacare. They want a bunch of stuff for Obamacare. I have a new slogan: It’s spending stupid!
President Obama will never quit outrageous spending, or trying to rush into something. He wants the Obamacare stuff quickly, just like “Pass it Now!”. Obamacare may be declared unconstitutional, Why do we need to spend anything on it  before a decision is made?
I sure hope Boehner and company are on top of this one!