
Transcript: Sandra Fluke testifies on why women should be allowed access to contraception and reproductive health care | What The Folly?!

sandra fluke
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We and China are supposed to provide $3,000 … contraception for college women...Obamacare! 
    Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. 40% of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggle financially as a result of this policy.
I don’t want to be coerced into assisting college law students to be promiscuous.
Freedom is the ability to do as I please, without coercion.


The Governed Have an Opportunity

Sistine Chapel
AttributionSome rights reserved by Eustaquio Santimano
♫ Ave Maria
Sistine Chapel
President Obama has assaulted Catholic's religious freedom. In so doing, he has assaulted all religious freedom.
We have an opportunity, as the governed, to condemn the president's assault. It should be one of the top priorities of the governed, and of the republican candidates for president.
To acquiesce , is to be a traitor to our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.


RAT | Remove A Tyrant

Jefferson Thomas

Tony the Misfit on Flickr
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – February 26, 2012 –

Thomas Jefferson lived in Monticello. My wife’s mother is buried at the foot of Monticello along with one of her sons. I attended her burial.
Thomas Jefferson was an architect, and after Monticello was built, he inspected the building, and if a measurement was off by one inch, he corrected the mistake. Thomas Jefferson read and was familiar with: On the Commonwealth-Marcus Tullius Cicero, Nicomachean Ethics- Aristotle, The Politics-Aristotle, Discourses Concerning Government - Algernon Sidney, and the Second Treatise of Government - John Locke. [1] The point is: He learned from widely accepted authority, going back over 2000 years. He was unaffected by the writings of Karl Marx, which were written a couple of hundred years ago. His thinking was based on Rome, et cetera, and not the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Compare him with Frank Marshall Davis. Thomas Jefferson stands head and shoulders above Frank Marshall Davis.
    "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."  Thomas Jefferson
    "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson helped to write the constitution.
I have purposely not mentioned who the tyrant is. Hint: Jeffersonian ideas versus Marxist ideas.
[1] There is reading material linked in Hillsdale College’s Constitution 101 online course. I mention this, because it is a convenient place to learn.


Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan | The Rest of the Story

hillsdale vet memorial
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Music: God Bless The USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – February 24, 2012 –
Harvard wouldn’t hold a candle to Hillsdale College. Hillsdale is for preserving our land and our nation. I’m unclear about the goals of Harvard. Hillsdale College does not accept, nor do the students accept money from  government. Now, isn’t that refreshing! Our President, a Harvard product, in contrast, and our legislators, spend on a grand scale. Hillsdale College is definitely in favor of a constitution.. President Obama, a product of Harvard, a former professor, who taught courses on the constitution, is not a full fledged Constitutionalist. Hillsdale College is for limited government. President Obama, a Harvard product, is for a Marxist big government.
Now lets go into a little detail. President Obama, a Harvard product, don’t talk about classical thought. He does not talk about Cicero, Plato, Aristotle, Locke, et cetera. He does talk about spreading the wealth around. Hillsdale College does talk about classical thought. The classical thought concerns putting our land and our people in a safe place. A place where happiness is pursued in accordance with God and nature. President Obama, a Harvard product, seems to have conflicting ideas about religion, God, and pursuit of happiness. He doesn’t want to keep our people and our land, in a safe place, namely our constitution. Someone, who has spent twenty years as a member of Reverend Wright’s church, says kind things about Muslims and Islam, exhibits an uncertainty about God and religion.
President Obama says kind things about Occupy Wall Street. Hillsdale College is aware of this kind of this anti-constitutional thinking. Occupy Wall Street does not want to preserve our land and our people in a safe place, namely, the constitution.
Off-Campus Study Programs:
    Washington Journalism Internship and Washington-Hillsdale Internship Program in Washington, D.C.; Hillsdale College at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland; Hillsdale in Seville, Spain; Hillsdale College in Córdoba, Argentina; Hillsdale/Oxford program at Keble College, Oxford University; Hillsdale College/Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany; Hillsdale College Summer School in Würzburg, Germany; Hillsdale College at Regent’s College, London
Hillsdale College Kirby Center is in Washington DC.
Hillsdale College students have given their lives for our country. Harvard is not patriotic to my knowledge. July 4th patriotic celebrations create more Republicans, Harvard study warns


GOP: Obama's budget a "road map to Greece"

Weekly Republican Address 2/18/12 Rep. Cathy McMorris
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – February 19, 2012 –
The President is a mental pygmy, and is hooked on ideology.
    "If we keep on going like this, the consequences will be devastating," McMorris Rodgers said. "The president's budget isn't a blueprint for America; it's a road map to Greece."
    As this week marked the third anniversary of the stimulus package, McMorris Rodgers used the opportunity to remind voters that the stimulus defied Democrats' expectations of keeping unemployment below 8 percent, which is what the White House projected. As unemployment peaked at 10 percent and currently sits at 8.3 percent, McMorris Rodgers portrayed the president as a man full of false expectations.
The media keeps talking about 8.3 percent unemployment. The unemployment was 15% in January 2012 according to the CBO. The unemployment rate was 16%, in January 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I find it annoying.
Mr. Nice Guy
    In his weekly address from a Boeing plant in Everett, Washington, President Obama discussed one aspect of his budget proposal. He touted his plan to revive the manufacturing sector and return jobs back to the U.S.
Hidden Evil
President Obama is a Democrat. He manipulates, regulates, tricks, deceives, misrepresents, and provides misinformation. His party and the National Labor Relations Board attempted to put Boeing in harms way. That, is the dirty secret.



CBO delivers devastating numbers to Obama’s reelection efforts

The transformer’s transformation is catching up with him.
    If President Obama were a CEO of a major corporation, it’s very likely that with his poor economic showing, he’d be out in a heartbeat. What respectable corporation would keep a poor record like this as its leader?
    Furthermore, what country can keep going on like this? America is no longer a place for opportunity and free market.
    It’s a place of dismay and poor economic outlook. 85% of small businesses are no longer hiring and only 13% rate the U.S. Economy as good or excellent. This CBO report is just one straw in the pile of economic disasters.

I hope and pray that justice is done.


The Two Orginal Dumbass Articles, which were deleted on Newsvine

Doc By Wolfie Wolf
Author of articles: Gregg Wilson

Take this:
"These were the two that were collapsed and never re-instated:" Gregg
DA article1
10 things any "Dumbass" should Know:
1. To Reduce the Deficit, government needs to stop spending money they don't have.
2. Taxing people more and more is going to piss them off.
3. Placating nut jobs in other countries, gets you nothing and gets us angry, every time a new terrorist act occurs.
4. Calling people "Racist" because you disagree, is "Stupid" and has now made the word Meaningless.
5. Pushing a bill, you can't even answer questions on or explain, makes it a bad bill.
6. Claiming one thing in a bill, only for us to find out differently, after it's to late, makes you a liar.
7. Bailing out corporate buddies, in the name of Stimulus, as "We the People" hang in the balance, then want more and more from us, makes you the "Peoples Thief".
8. Hiring the same corporate buddies you claim to be against, as consultants, makes you no better than what you claim is bad, especially if you give them a "Peoples money" paycheck on top of the "Peoples Money" you already gave them.
9. Claiming "The Buck Stops Here" then blame everything and everyone else anyway, makes you a Hypocrite.
And my final:
10. Joe Wilson was "RIGHT". [1]
[1] To President Obama: "You lie"!

DA article 2
10 things any dumba$$ knows:
1. Placating one Ideology over another is not what NEWSVINE is supposed to be about.
2. People using NEWSVINE to get rid of articles or people you don't agree with is "Cowardly"!
3. If conservatives,independents or libertarians want their articles collapsed, "Just write one", and hope a lot of your Friends comment on it.
4. If conservatives,independents or libertarians want their articles collapsed, be "Liberal or Progressive" in your moderating if you agree with the comment.
5. If you want to be deleted from a Liberal/Progressive Article, post "Something of fact" pertaining to the article and try to argue the point with them. You'll be labeled an Ignorant, Hateful, Racist Neo-con,whack job, that is deviating from the article, real quick. Those name calling type of Liberal comments will stand!
6. Making Liberals and Progressives Hateful isn't hard. Just write or seed a conservative article and they'll jump all over YOU!! Just remember, expect them to ignore the article to get at YOU and expect a lot of "!" clicking.
7. If your conservative, independents or libertarian article becomes popular, with a lot of friends commenting on it, expect it to become the Haven for "Trolls" according to a Liberal or Progressive.
8. If you request a reason from NEWSVINE on "Why" your article was collapsed by the community, and you don't get a response back, that's not right. They're quick when it comes to Hateful, accusatory comments against a single poster, why not articles.
9. If Newsvine does respond to a request, and they say they don't know why the article was collapsed, They should automatically re-instate it!
10. "Joe Wilson" is STILL RIGHT in his "You Lie" comment, with one revision;
He should have lumped in the "Far Left" and "Progressives", not just Mr. Obama.
Have fun with them !!!!!
Also posted in Reality Check:

    • Terry Falcon I wonder if you RE posted it today, would it stand up without getting collapsed? After all it is extremely accurate and to the point!
      January 12 at 2:31pm

You Might Be a Liberal, If…

President Obama is Increasing Transformation Attempts

President Obama The Transformer
The constitution supports Religious Freedom
President Obama, Democrats, and Liberals should not be in the contraceptive business, which the Catholic clergy believe is killing.

The constitution supports capitalism.
President Obama ordered insurance companies to pay an estimated $2 billion. It is estimated that contraception costs $2 billion in Obamacare, which the government squanders.

The constitution upholds free speech.
President Obama ordered Catholic chaplains to not read a letter to attendees at religious services.

#36 http://goluckydonald.newsvine.com/_news/2012/02/02/10297293-not-only-is-president-obama-not-the-messiah-it-turns-out-that-he-is-ignorant?last=1328741247&threadId=3335463&sp=25&pc=25#c62208802
Has not been discussed, let alone, rebutted by liberals:
President Obama has kind words for Occupy Wall Street.
President Obama finds it very necessary to use a Teleprompter.
President Obama stated that he had been to 57 states.
Nobody presented a capitalist accomplishment of President Obama.
President Obama is divisive, blames, criticizes the rich and Republicans
Obamacare is a Marxist idea.
The EPA is costing jobs, and our way of government.
NDAA 2012: President Obama signed it.
President Obama hurt the coal industry, the electric industry, and the whole economy.
Czars: President Obama appointed a Communist czar. Other presidents didn’t appoint Communist czars.
President Obama did not stop the rising oceans.
President Obama is at odds with the Catholic church!
President Obama: "a light will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, 'I have to vote for Barack.'" YouTube Recording of Barack Obama
Teachers teaching kids President Obama songs.
75% say we are headed the wrong direction.
Food stamps increased dramatically on President Obama’s watch.
The deficit continues to grow under President Obama.
Preferential treatment for Islam in the Obama Administration.
President Obama does not treat his aunt, in public housing, and his brother, who lives in a shack, as family.
President Obama’s contribution to our country through NASA:
President Obama had options.
He could have pursued technology through NASA.
He chose Muslim relations.
Whether this observation came from a Racist or a non Racist is immaterial.
It was a poor choice for our country, Bush had nothing to do with it, and there is no argument that it is not the truth.
Axelrod is scared!
President Obama's Obamacare is destroying Catholic freedom of religion. President Obama ought to be scared too. One Catholic stated that they may "take to the streets"
Ginsberg disses constitution:
President Obama makes statement in the video. The founders are getting in his way!

Bob Beckel appears distressed and rejected. He seems to be ashamed of liberal’s ideas about the constitution.
Whoever is in office the next term, will probably appoint US Supreme Court judges, who will make decisions affecting the next generation.

My freedoms are threatened by President Obama!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001085634534
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Wolf_Wolfman



Hillsdale Free Constitution Course

Hillsdate College
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I registered for the Free Constitution course. http://constitution.hillsdale.edu/
It begins February 20.

Gallup shows U.S. unemployment at 9%

Liberals take down
Liberals pull down a statue of King George III – Wikipedia

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that the unemployment rate is 8.2 % at this time.
A Gallup poll says that the unemployment rate is 9 % at this time.
The credibility of the BLS, President Obama, and Liberals is questionable.
The linked Gallup Poll is based on a 30,000 person sample. I doubt that 30,000 people have an incentive to lie about unemployment.

Bosch CEO tells magazine Greece has no place in EU

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Public opinion is turning against socialists and communists, burning, rioting, and bad behavior.

President Obama and Democrats: Pay attention!

    "I believe that kicking Greece out would discipline other states with high deficits," he added, when asked whether such a drastic measure might trigger an escalation of the crisis in Portugal, Spain or Italy.

You could be next!


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Bin Laden told his children to live in peace in the West

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This does not speak well of Islam, by Osama Bin Laden!

    He did not want them to follow jihad — report



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We The People

A friend sent this to me in an email

This is worth watching.

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World stocks rise after Greece austerity vote


    "Drastic cuts in civil service jobs, minimum wages and pensions were among the measures approved by lawmakers in Greece in order to collect a second, urgently needed rescue loan for the country".

This is not what President Obama and Liberals in the US are doing.



    World stocks rise after Greece austerity vote

    World stock markets rose Monday after Greece's parliament approved a new set of austerity measures that were required by international lenders in exchange for an emergency bailout.


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