
President Obama | False Statements | Flag

“Forward” speech at Columbus, Ohio 2012

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – May 29, 2012 –
Anyone, who does not protect and defend the United States Constitution, does not protect and defend the Republic and “we the people”. President Obama makes the statement that corporations are not people in the video posted here. It’s at about 15:15. It is settled law that corporations are people. It will probably not change anytime soon.
President Obama has made several false statements about matters regarding the constitutionality of laws.
President Obama stated:
“I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.”
Los Angeles Times
Overturning laws like Obamacare  is not unprecedented. Many laws…under President Obama’s criteria…have been declared unconstitutional.
Yesterday, I did a search for litigation in regard to the Defense of Marriage Act…which President Obama has said is unconstitutional. In spite of what President Obama has said…the law is being litigated in the courts! The articles, which I read, say that it is likely that the Defense of Marriage Act will be decided by the US Supreme Court within a year.  Major gay marriage cases in federal court and where they stand
I pledge allegiance to the flag.
obama crotch

I would like to recommend three secret groups:
  1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
  2. Wolf Den on Facebook
  3. My secret circle on Google+

They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.
Contact author: sendd.fish@live.com

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