Some rights reserved by StevenANichols
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Omaha, Arkansas – April 12, 2012 –
And that my friend is when the country will finally wake up. I can't believe the US Military will support an unconstitutional power grab. Would he elicit military support from Russia, China, Iran, etc? Would liberals in the US side with them? Could it be WW III in the making, but contained within the US. I must be dreaming, I need to awaken, this must be a nightmare!
The state of the union may be similar to the state of the union in the 1850's and 1860's. The attempt then was to deny natural rights to the fruits of one's labor. Van Jones' Americans Arab Spring an attempt to deny me, you, and others of their natural rights. The Bolsheviks fought for roughly 70 years to install Communism in Soviet Russia...and failed. So, our country may be in for a long term period of misery. Misery is the product of Marxism. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the product of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. Wolfbilly… Isn't it ironic that the Civil War was due to natural rights being deprived from Slaves by their Aristocratic Owners? The potential war of 2013 would be due to natural rights being deprived from constitutionalists by their elected Aristocratic Owners! My nightmare continues -I pray for our Creator's assistance. Wolfman… Thank you for responding! Since I have removed the comments from my articles on Newsvine lately, I had hoped that Viners would figure you have...that there are articles...such as this one...where comments can be made. What I'm leading up that President Obama is truly ignorant. As you have so wisely pointed out...the potential war of 2013 would be...due to natural rights being deprived from constitutionalists by their elected Aristocratic officials. There are ominous clues:
- The National Defense Authorization Act 2012, which denies trial by a jury.
- President Obama's executive order, which makes total Presidential control of the United States possible.
- The announcement by Van Jones of an Americans Arab Spring.
- The alliance of President Obama with Occupy Wall Street.
- There seems to be an alliance between Republicans and Democrats, which denies natural rights to citizens of the United States.
- et cetera
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